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The Bylaws were a victim of the hack as was the entire homepage.


They are filed with the state and we have made a request with the state for a copy that would have to be manually entered. Luckily Jay thinks he might have a copy of them and the Constitution that he is going to send me when he finds them.


Once we have redesigned the homepage we will repost them there.


I was looking for them earlier today because I was uncertain on how we go about a new Vendor Relations Officer since the last one has stepped down.

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If it was' date=' it should have happened long before the site crash, my friend.[/quote']


That info wasn't given to many of the bod members while the site was down. Not sure why it should have happened before the site crash as the site crash caused the poor conduct.



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That info wasn't given to many of the bod members while the site was down. Not sure why it should have happened before the site crash as the site crash caused the poor conduct.


You're absolutely correct. also, I was referring to the failure to perform duties. I'm glad we agree on this.

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So is section 4 not something that is going to be addressed before these other board members leave their positions?


This is a legitimate question please don't pull this like you did my other thread. :)





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I suspect Section 5 will need to be addressed and see who still remains on the BOD and who is still an officer, then I suspect an actual "I find the actions of "x" unbecoming of an officer or board member.


As I told you in the PM I sent you Jesse your post was removed because you were claiming a cancellation of an October meeting when you are not in a position to cancel club meetings, you chose to not host a meeting and the post should have said such.


Please watch the implications you are implying something unjustified was done to you when you were actually out of line by stating something you have no control over, that being "scheduling club events"



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Oh!! I thought you meant a different position that wasn't doing their job and/or doing harm to the club/community....


Also, how do you know the board members weren't being kept in the know (by the admins at the time)? Hear-say?


I must just be guessing that they weren't told. Or maybe the email chain didn't have them involved in it? Either way what happened didn't get addressed and from the sounds of it you guys are all acting like it didn't happen. Why would so many awesome people in this group all of a sudden stop working for the forum? You guys pulled my thread about the meeting as well? Your over policing things and not addressing what happened. Brad is a mod and he's the one being sent to address your concerns?



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I suspect Section 5 will need to be addressed and see who still remains on the BOD and who is still an officer, then I suspect an actual "I find the actions of "x" unbecoming of an officer or board member.


As I told you in the PM I sent you Jesse your post was removed because you were claiming a cancellation of an October meeting when you are not in a position to cancel club meetings, you chose to not host a meeting and the post should have said such.


Please watch the implications you are implying something unjustified was done to you when you were actually out of line by stating something you have no control over, that being "scheduling club events"




I was out of line? That's funny coming from you brad. I also posted in that same thread that was pulled that I posted it early so they could find a new location. I would copy the exact verbiage but the thread was pulled.



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A lot of what's been going around is speculation and hear-say. I definitely suggest that everybody takes a couple steps back and views this situation from the perspective they need to..


Also, I recommend that EVERYBODY reads and understands not only the By-Laws, but the constitution as well.

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A lot of what's been going around is speculation and hear-say. I definitely suggest that everybody takes a couple steps back and views this situation from the perspective they need to..


Also, I recommend that EVERYBODY reads and understands not only the By-Laws, but the constitution as well.


So what your saying is the email I read that has your name clearly attached to it really wasn't you degrading others?



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You mean that private email between people outside of this club? That's really none of anybody's business. I degraded people that I feel required degrading..... in my private email. Mind if I check YOUR email or text messages? How much degrading information might I find in there? I feel the need to bring up glass houses once again.

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You mean that private email between people outside of this club? That's really none of anybody's business. I degraded people that I feel required degrading..... in my private email. Mind if I check YOUR email or text messages? How much degrading information might I find in there? I feel the need to bring up glass houses once again.


Go for it. You can read any emails you want. I don't talk poorly about people like you did. This obviously isn't going to be addressed in the way it should or you would have already been asked to be removed from office. And to be clear I don't want the spot I just don't think you deserve to after you tried to do what you wanted to do. But I guess you got your wish anyways.



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Jesse are you trying to get rid of me (threaten)


To be blunt this would be handled on the BOD forum and would be completely behind the scenes as not to create a uproar on the general boards. The only way the members would ever find out is if the vote was to impeach and then if would most likely be handled as a resignation unless the act was huge or common knowledge. At this point we are just trying to rebuild.

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