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I toy win the same idea often (I have a 125) I think there are definite downsides though. With a smaller tank you will have to be more on top of water changes ext. Secondly you won't be able to keep tangs or other larger fish. The way I have my tank setup is basically half fish only half reef, I don't even have one side fully lit. I did this because its basically all I can afford, It is kinda nice though because I can keep coral on one side the fish have space to swim and I don't have huge swings in water chemistry temp ext. A big tank can be done on a budget it just won't be all it could be.

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I would personaly not downgrade. You already have most of the equipment for the 135 so it would be a large expence to set up the smaller tank with new equipment. Also as Gill said it gives you space to expand. My 125 is still basically half empty on corals but I have a lot of room to get new corals and not worrie if I'm at my limit. Plus you are much more limited on what livestock you can keep and your system could become less stable. I like the posiblilitys of what could be in the futur with my larger tank


You also won't be as tempted to upgrade a year or two down the road when your tank is full and you still want more.


But in the end you will know what is best for your situation :)

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I'm in the middle on the subject. Most of the equipment I owned was large enough for a system 3-4 time the size of my 50 gallon cube. So what u have now will work fine for both. A smaller tank requires a little more attention to detail on swings. So if you feel a larger tank will be to much of a burdon on your wallet go with the 50 and trade it down the road when your ready for a bigger tank. Just my 2 pennies.

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I'd rather have a sparse 135 than a 50. Take your time and gradually add what you can.


IMO eating is highly over rated so its border line a waste of money especially if not doing it means having a tank to enjoy!


100% agreed, coral fill shouldn't e an overnight process,


Takes time and what are you going to do when it gets full, your gonna wanna upgrade, I say take it slow and add as you go.


GL with your decision though.

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I'd swap you for my 55 setup you've seen it since then added 20 lbs more of live rock and new hood / lights and new skimmer, but moving next month and wife says no more big tanks for a while, going to be selling a couple of them don't want to move 7 tanks at once. personally with as much work as you have into that tank I would keep it. As time goes by things will grow you'll add new stuff and before you know it in a year or 3 you'll have the tank of your dreams. Then you'll wakeup one morning with a new and bigger and better one on your mind with alot more experiance and have most of the equipent you'll need to set it up.. I'd say keep it, It takes about the same amount of time for both 50 -60 gal an one your size to maintan it.. $$ wise few extra for more salt but once its set up there isn't a whole lot of differnce.. it's the set up thats I'll cost you. after that It's just time. Good Luck

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The next things on my list of things to get are brs dual reactor with carbon/gfo, then 2 MP40s, then 3 reefbreeder led's... That's 2 grand right there lol... :( then maybe I can start getting some nice coral lol


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If you really feel like you need all that stuff you probably should downgrade. Plus you would have an envision. (drooler)


I'm guessing if you had a 50 gallon you would only need Mp 10s ??? And one light??? That would cut your cost in half. :)

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You dont need 2 400$ pumps or $$$ leds or even a reactor for nice coral. Theyre just things that are nice and have added features. All i got on that list is a brs reactor just a single chamber, and i got some nice stuff may be frags but thats for.now... You dont need to buy the top line stuff to enjoy corals. Get what you can, and add as yoy can. I downgraded from my first real tank the 150 to this 75 for two reasons. Cheaper on me as i had to pay for everything being no longer in parents house and also the size being in an apartment. That being said im never goin smaller then this tank again. No point to go backwards in room and choices. imo no point to put yourself through the dismantle and rebuild for something youll have to dismantle to rebuild bigger

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That would cut your cost in half. :)


And your tank size


True, some people like to have the best though. I have seen a ton of sweet set ups on Nano reef that would cost a fortune if you scaled them up but because of the size they were able to buy all the best equipment and corals. :) Most of these setups I could look at for hours even if they were empty LOL.

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And your tank size


True, some people like to have the best though. I have seen a ton of sweet set ups on Nano reef that would cost a fortune if you scaled them up but because of the size they were able to buy all the best equipment and corals. :) Most of these setups I could look at for hours even if they were empty LOL.


lol, yeah i love the nano's but i just feel the growout room is a better option, but nano reefs does have some pretty nice ones.

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You dont need 2 400$ pumps or $$$ leds or even a reactor for nice coral. Theyre just things that are nice and have added features.


I'm sure he knows he doesn't "need" this stuff, but if its what he "wants" then he should get it. I have noticed this hobby has many facets, some people really like the fish, others are all about coral and some people are really into equipment.

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Just keep watching craigs list, e=bay you can get all of that stuff and more for under 1k in good to like new shape.. for less than 1/2 price just wait when you see a good deal come up get it then, you don't need it now you have a really nice tank that is up and running, and the desire to make it better speaks highly of you and your concern for your LS as reef keeper. but down grading just to up grade you equipment is just silly to me, you'll have a smaller tank with High end equpemnt and won't beable to keep the fish you want. Then the whole cycle will start over.. slow down take our time when the right deal comes along then buy it.. in the short time I spoke with you I can tell you have a passion for your fish and corals. always looking to go that extra step and do things better. But, take your time do it right. The equipement will come as money allows and look for the deals.. I've seen smaller tanks with every do-dad outhere on them. Most of the guys that have them wish they had something lager and seem un happy with them because they are always wishing the had the setup the would allow them to keep (insert name fish coral ect). Just take it slow it will come.. the trick is not getting what you want now, but being happy with what you have.. peace out rant over

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