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Rock work


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Try not to stack like the "fruit stand" look, start with some individual islands and then bridge them or leave them, leave room between the rock and the back wall so fish can swim around. I know it may be a challenge with narrower tanks but it's cool to be able to look from the sides and see what's going on behind some of the rock

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Yeah that's my problem as well I'm never happy. And I like caves and ledges. I moved some if my rock work around to find detrius in between the rock work. I think this happened because I used small pieces to try and fill spaces, because I was told the more LR the better. So I added a lot of smaller pieces just created issues that I didn't see. So I'm thinking I'm going to take them out and move some stuff around so I limit dead spots



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personally im not a fan of the rock work in travis' new tank looks like a pile. but its all in personal opinon and he did allow for no dead spots and alot of water movement so better to him, i do similiar 2 island. im more happy with this rock work then my last tank even though its basically the same thing just better rock stacked neater its all opionion based

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