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polishing acrylic while the tank is running


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I keep hearing from people that there is a version of sandpaper I can use to polish acrylic while the tank is running by putting it between the algae magnet and glass, but they don't know details. They say I don't need to remove the water, corals etc. Is there any truth to this, some new product that is safe? Or are they just confused? Would love it if it was true, I got an asterina starfish under the algae magnet and lots of damage down at the sand line that I can't reach even if I do drain the tank.



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I would want to know what material is used for the abrasive and if it's aquarium safe. Some of the most common abrasives used in sand paper are Aluminum oxide, ceramic, silicon carbide, garnet, and chromium oxide--which would guess would be used most commonly on these really fine grit sand papers.

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You probably wouln't find the 12000 in a auto parts store. A little to specialized . I have 6000 to 12000 like Brad and it works great if you got some time on your hands.Mine is a clothed back and is designed for in tank work.

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Micro mesh is the stuff. It depends on how deep your scratches are on what grit to start with... Also I would recommend using alot stronger magnet than a mag float. If your using a stronger magnet i would use a soft towel between the outside magnet and the acrylic. This will serve 2 purposes, 1) will ensure that the magnet wont scratch your acrylic and 2) the towel will serve as a handle. SWF use to rent heavy duty magnets, dont know if they still do.


By using a stronger magnet will apply more pressure when sanding and will be done in less time.

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Woot this is what I have been looking for I have not been able to take any clear pictures of late because of all the fine scratchs in the acrylic my camera focuses on the tank and not the coral5

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awesome... what a great bit of news. I cannot reach some of the scratches in the 120 even when it's dry and clean, my arms don't reach that far! I got a friend who is going to be super happy to hear this as well since his tanks are in a business.



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