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Gorilla Nipples !


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Ok so I got this massive frag/colony of gorilla nipples from Rose City. I have always wanted to get my hands on some and thought that maybe some one else would like to get in on the fun =) I have more then 150 polyps and could frag some off for any one who is interested. Frags or Salt stuff would make great trades =) I am open to most any thing so make an offer and I will make a nice frag for ya. One thing I would like dont know if any one has it but the magnet upgrade for a maxi jet power head, or a korilla nano power head. Also looking for a mag test kit and somthing that I can use to target feed my LPS corals without getting my hands wet =) Any thing is open though so hit me up and get some Gorilla Nipples =)





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  • 2 months later...

Ok so I thought I would bring this back up to the top. My zoas have all been treated and are clear of the pox so I fell safe putting these back out again. I have two frags that are about 20 polyps each and looking very healthy. I would like to trade these for some colorfull softies or lps I am maxed out on sps for now I dont want to have to start doing daily dosing or a calcium reactor. Softies prefered but hit me with most any thing I am easy =)




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I have one for KKnight on reserve and one left to trade You know you want em =) would also trade for a paly, ora korilla power head. green trumpet frogspawn fluke tabs to do some epic battle with some cloves =)

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