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murphy's law strikes again... try and guess why my skimmer doesn't work


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Well, ya know how in this hobby Murphy's Law applies double? So I have a skimmer that should work great (SWC cone) with a fairly new pump. I could not figure out a few weeks ago why it got super weird. No product, gate valve almost closed, air intake clear... tried a bunch of adjustments. A few times it went nuts and filled the skimmer cup with almost clear water, then wouldn't skim at all. Figured it was some problem with something on my hands or the chemistry, maybe the leather corals were secreting something that interferes with the surface of bubbles. But then I really need it to work so finally gave up and decided it was time to check the impeller for damage, make sure the pump was even firing. Broken shaft maybe? Nope. Scroll down for the answer to my problem...



















Oh. Of course. A crab living in the intake of the skimmer pump, not being killed, probably for weeks on end. Happy there even, did not like being evicted. Yeah, that makes sense, live crab sitting on all that suction and not dying. Sure.


Gotta love this hobby, it's always interesting.

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I had the same thing happen, sadly mine was a small fish which in the end did not have the same outcome as your crab-well maybe in the end it did, I'm not sure what happened to Mr. Crab-

From the looks of it, it would not be a safe crab for my tank.


Glad you found your issue tho

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Haha, nice. I had a flow restriction that I couldn't figure out on my pico once. Pulled the pump out, inspected it, didn't find anything. Flow was good again for a little while then the next day there was barely any flow again. I pulled the outlet nozzle off to see if it was getting plugged. Found a small piece of a bristle worm in there. Then about a minute later, the rest of a mostly disassembled bristle worm came streaming out in chunks and ribbons. The hermit crab rejoiced. Pump worked great after that.

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I put him in a sump he can't get out of nor can he get in a pump and if he does not start eating the algae in there... well I think he might make a splendid companion for your mantis shrimp in the Island of Tiki official pest tank. Sure wish I had rigged up a screen for the intake on that skimmer. Not that I would like constantly unplugging said screen.

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