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May Meeting


May Meeting  

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    • A: Saturday
    • B: Sunday
    • C: Either day I will be there Oxx's meeting rocks!

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I'm sure I missed something, but I need an address for the meeting. If someone could pm me with it that would be awesome.


Edit: ok never mind, I found the address. Must've skipped over it :)


Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk 2

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Aqua Illuminations finally came through on an AI SOL Blue (although not completely free)


Reef Nutrition has some food on the way


Aqua Medic is sending an Aquaspot LED Light and Gift Certificates to their new Water Testing services (of which I have used and highly recommend)


Nautilus in Springfield donated some fish food and other supplies


I might even have some killer Acro's to give away


Rented an Ice Cream machine again and some extra tables and chairs


Hope to see everyone on Saturday and big thanks to all those helping out by bringing something!

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I'm sure I missed something, but I need an address for the meeting. If someone could pm me with it that would be awesome.


Edit: ok never mind, I found the address. Must've skipped over it :)


Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk 2


2535 I St in Springfield

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I have the following listed as bringing stuff:

Algae - Pack of Coca Cola

Emerald525 - Water and Chips

kknight31 - Cupcakes and Water

Jeramy - Soda and Ice

ZachS - Dip

h2odvl - Ice and Cookies

talkalot82 - Ice

Tuduku - Box-O-Chips

Smann - Diet Coke and Dip

Jawfish - Fruit Salad

Markvo - Beer and Chips

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I know its last minute, but I was going through stuff for the free table and I found my 114 watt Aqua UV (two 57 watts plumbed together) setup that I was planning on selling eventually. If anyone is interested in buying it for $100, hit me up at the party.


See you all tomorrow!

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I don't know how well I will be tommorrow but I will be there.. I got poked at work with a needle and now on hiv prevent drugs that one of the worse drugs to take my doctor said. One pill out of 14 and I feel like I'm dying.. they kill my white blood cells to kill the early hiv.. if I cotracted it. Slim chance though... .1 chance the doc said...


and I'm moving today yaya. But ill be there with bells on with my sister and dad again and my member card if my hubby didn't pack it.. just bare with my possible not fully up to my percky normal chatty self. I've looked forward to this for months and I'm not giving it up for a pill or moving...

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is the raffle going to be like last year where everyone gets a raffle ticket or is it for members only? and are there going to be raffle tickets for sale?


Plenty of free giveaways! As well as the Raffle

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I know Drew and I have not been present these past few months' date=' but we'd still love to come! What is the date of the meeting?[/quote']


Be good to see you and Drew and the kiddos again!!!


Any last minute things ya need help with, Douglas??

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Thanks everyone for a fun meeting!

Please take a minute and thank the following sponsors for their generous donations this year to help Tanks for Teachers.

In fact I have included email addresses, I think they would all appreciate a big thank you email as some are hard to say thanks in person


Hartz (ACorash@hartz.com)

Aqua Medic (thomas.plocher@aqua-medic.com)

Air, Water, & Ice (sales@airwaterice.com)

Algagen (eriks@algagen.com)

FantasticFrags (frags@fantasticfrags.com)

Ecotech Marine (Jay.Sperandio@ecotechmarine.com)

Drs. Foster & Smith (Janine.Fuchs@drsfostersmith.com)

Aqua Illuminations (joshs@c2development.com)

Reef Nutrition (orders@reedmariculture.com)

The Nautilus (can't find email, hopefully they can update)

The Premium Aquarium (sales@ThePremiumAquarium.com)

Rod's Reef Food (rbuehler@rods-reef.com)

AquariumWaterTesting.com (customerservice@aquariumwatertesting.com)

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Thanks Douglas' date=' really had a good time. Your tank is awsome![/quote']


+1 yes thank you so much. Best bbq I've been to in years. And thanks to all who donated to the free table because now I have a nice ro di unit that i probably wouldn't have been able to afford. Oh yeah that tank of yours is ridiculously awesome.


Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk 2

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