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My Donna's Little 20 long


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For x-mass this year my daughter made it very clear what she wanted, a couple months in advance. So I went and started pulling things together to set 1 up for her, and here it is.


Pics by Donna





I'd like to thank those who helped


Light 175 halide, rock and power head all thx to Doz. And aqua Clear 70 filter deserves a big thx to Garrett, who by the way went from tank to tank in the store picking out pretty shells as added deco for the new tank Thx guys.


Now 1 of the big points of this thread is to introduce Donna and her tank to the club. I was going to set up her own account and let her run her own threads, but at nine years old her dad is not completely comfortable w/ that, and in light of recent events regarding Mic I have had second thoughts as well. (please don't take it as I don't trust the club members, it's more of a you never know what can happen attitude) I'm sure the other parents will understand more than most.


I want Donna to be able to be part of the club in a way I have more control over, so I'm hoping you all would be okay w/ me using this thread as an ongoing 1where she can talk about her tank, update progress and ask questions.

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Thx, this is her tank so I'm wanting her to have access to ask questions as much as possible. I hate to say this but there are members her who know way more than I do (really hate saying that) and I feel it is good for her independence. I think 1 thread for her as long as no 1 objects would be easy for me to help her w/ and also prevent her from posting new threads every where that are the same thing over and over. Cause lets face it she is 9. ! thread will just be easier for her to manage as well.

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Looks good. I have the parts to hang the light properly ( Thanks to Ed ) (B) is this thing going to be ready for a clean up crew by friday?


tHX, AND YES ON THE CLEAN UP CREW, darn skyrim and the caplock key. We added a snail and 2 hermit crabs just because she has been so excited. I didn't want to add a lot and have it die so I made her stick w/ just a couple. She is already testing herself w/ me standing over her. She did her own rock work as well, and has her first fish in mind.

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Seems that a neon wrasse would be okay for your tank. they are peaceful with other fish and don't require a lot of space, just some rocks to swim around. They also do like to feed on worms ( like the six line) but do not require a mature tank full of them to live.




I'm not sure about the clams, however someone here will make a sudgestion im sure. Tank looks good already. Keep up the good work and welcome to the best hobby ever.



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Seems that a neon wrasse would be okay for your tank. they are peaceful with other fish and don't require a lot of space, just some rocks to swim around. They also do like to feed on worms ( like the six line) but do not require a mature tank full of them to live.





I'm not sure about the clams, however someone here will make a sudgestion im sure. Tank looks good already. Keep up the good work and welcome to the best hobby ever.




Thank you .I'll try to find a neon wrasse.I like that idea!!!:)

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Hey Donna! Nice start! My daughter will be 8 in a couple of weeks. She has a freshwater tank that we are starting. This is your thread!


Congratulations on the fresh water tank. Whats your daughters name?


And thank you every one for the welcome.

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Today we did my ammonia test and the reading was .10. We also did my nitrate test and its reading was 5.


Is there a wrasse that I could have in my 20 gallon?


And is there a type of clam I can have that wont grow to big for my tank?

Welcome aboard. Glad to see youngsters getting into this hobby. It is very satisfying and frustrating at the same time. Take it slow. The neon wrasse is a good choice for your tank. I do not know of any clams that would work they all get to large. But you could get a flame scallop or an electric flame scallop. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=497+522+559&pcatid=559

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That's nice that she shows an interest in the hobby. I wish our kids did but all they ever say is " Do we really need to go to another fish store?" (laugh)


Oh she pestered me for months to get her own tank, and now is testing mostly by herself. She love going to the fish stores.


Hey thx every 1 for welcoming her here. I think this will go a long way to keeping her interested and excited about her new hobby.

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Congratulations on the fresh water tank. Whats your daughters name?


And thank you every one for the welcome.


Hi Donna! This is Harvest but I am going by Amanda. Our tank is getting ready for fish in a few days. I like your tank. Goodbye.

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FWIW-that fish you posted can be a real butt head and I would not add it-


If you like those colors go for a royal gramma, check this link to be sure




google the scientific name;

Pseudochromis diadema


It would not be something I would suggest-Just my opinion-


also if you do decide to go with a wrasse since some are known jumpers, it may be a good idea to make a top for the tank, alot of folks use this;



I have added them to all my tanks-its a sad day to come to your tank and find that a fish has jumped out-Fish jump, some are just known to be jumpers but all fish can jump if scared-its just a safe thing to do.


If you are interested in some shoot me a PM, I have enough laying around from my last build I could send you some or better yet, get it to Mr.S and you can pick it up from him at Garretts.

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Welcome aboard. Glad to see youngsters getting into this hobby. It is very satisfying and frustrating at the same time. Take it slow. The neon wrasse is a good choice for your tank. I do not know of any clams that would work they all get to large. But you could get a flame scallop or an electric flame scallop. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=497+522+559&pcatid=559


Thank you!!! I will see if I can find one.

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FWIW-that fish you posted can be a real butt head and I would not add it-


If you like those colors go for a royal gramma, check this link to be sure




google the scientific name;

Pseudochromis diadema


It would not be something I would suggest-Just my opinion-


also if you do decide to go with a wrasse since some are known jumpers, it may be a good idea to make a top for the tank, alot of folks use this;



I have added them to all my tanks-its a sad day to come to your tank and find that a fish has jumped out-Fish jump, some are just known to be jumpers but all fish can jump if scared-its just a safe thing to do.


If you are interested in some shoot me a PM, I have enough laying around from my last build I could send you some or better yet, get it to Mr.S and you can pick it up from him at Garretts.


Thank you !!! I will take your advice about the tank top. And my mom will PM you.

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