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oOoOo_Only Encrusting Monti Tank Online_oOoOo

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A bit of history...I have lived in apartments all my life and move a couple of years. With my most recent place, they told me the biggest tank I could have 25 gallons, which meant re doing my tank. Something that I have always struggled with moving tanks so much is dealing with managing to keep the fragile acros intact.


Knowing that I would need a new tank, and starting from scratch with a much smaller tank with less space and at some point I would be moving again, I decided on an only encrusting monti tank. Nothing else...only encrusting montis, this would take care of two things: 1st grow out space, I will only need to worry about making sure there is a decent amount of rocks for the coral grow out on and 2nd, when I move again, it will be very, very easy to move with out worrying about busting up branches of acros.


The more and more I thought about it, I really think the idea of just encrusting montis...will be really cool and a bit different.


The main fish will be Orange Spotted Filefish (harlequin filefish).


The tank will house the following corals (all will be here in 4 days - Dec. 7th, 2011)



-Pokerstar (already in the tank)

-Dino Egg Monti

-Reverse Sunset




-Gilbert grape

-Joker star

-Electric Grap

-Peaches and Cream

-Strawberry Feilds


-LA Lakers

-FFF Blue Polyp

-Reverse Superman

-Grafted purple and red monti



Corals still wanted;

-Northern Lights

-Fire engine

-Hawaiin Punch

-Montipora foveolata




-Orange Spot Filefish

-Possum Wrasse

-Fairy Wrase (already in tank)

-Tailspot Blenny (already in tank)

-Sand sifting goby (already in tank)


-Leaopard wrasse

-Pearly jawfish


Tank Specs & Info.

-18x18x18 .5” Euro Braced Envision built

-Single overflow

-Black backing

-Sump below


Skimmer - SWC 180 (yes I know its big, but I like to feed and keeping orange spots, I think i will be feeding alot, to make sure they eat and stay healthy, once weaned from live SPS)


Lights - All LEDs 22” off water’s surface

- 2x 20k

-1x Par 38 20k

-1x Ebay adjustable light

-3x Blue LED stunner 12”

-3x Magenta LED stunner 12”


Water Movement

Tunze 6055 on a controller

Tunze 2x 6045


Aquamaxx CR-1 calcium reactor

Ozone w/ protoype avast marine reactor

Two little fishies kalk reactor

Carbon and GFO is used as well


Neptune Aquacontroller Pro


Elos Osmocontroller



Tropic Marin Pro Elements A- & K+

Esstential Elements


Stroni and Molyben




Here are some shots of the tank- You will see the pokerstar and on the rock and the sand bed ( split the main part of its base, in order for it to grow over the base and frag up), You’ll also see a yellow/gold monti with purple polyps, and a plating monti that is up for sale as it was sold as in encrusting (super cool, nuclear green polyps and when it colors back up blue/green base).

(Pics are just some quick ones and all the different light combos throw the camera’s WB into a tailspin, LOL)














If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them and I will be updating with starting frag shots, fish added, growth etc.

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Very cool, It'll be interesting to see how it looks in a year after things start growing into one another. James does build the best acrylic tanks out there! I love all of my Envision tanks.


My only concern is that I think your stocking list is far too big, the wrasses need more swimming room IMHO and for a tank that size (roughly 23 gallons) you are going to be doing a whole lot of water changes or you have a VERY large sump connected to this tank to keep your water quality up.

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more then half the fish on the list use very little swim area, excwpt for really the leopard and the files, and maybe the fairy


one leopard will be fine, especially small, the possum needs very little room, the fairy wrasse hasnt even taken up a 3"x3" area.


jaw fish will be at the base of the rock, the goby sticks to the bottom.


percs will be small and really dont take up much swimming space.


my sump is 10 gallons, 5 gallon weekly water changes and a sump that is rated at 150 gallon heavy bioload.


i believe ill be fine, i have had heavier bioloads in slightly bigger tanks and been fine.


it will be longer then a year before this stuff is growing into each other, there is a lot of rock real estate.




Sent from my SPH-P100 using Tapatalk

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