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Time for a bigger tank


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So about 4 month ago I broke down my 55gal and down sized to a 20long. Didn't take long Haha but I out grew that tank, now it is time to put together something a little bigger. Here are some pics to recap and show how crammed my tank is.




As anyone can see, I have live stock in there that does not belong in a 20long. And 2 hammers + 1 frogsawn, that given the chance to get bigger will start to run into each other. I was smart though and kept any equipment that could be used for a larger tank. Now it is time for that larger tank. I have picked up a 40B from petco's 1$ a Gal sale, and Thx to a club member I will have a hood and stand to go w/ that tank.


Thank you sooooo!!!!!!!! much sergebmw3. He has gone way out of his way to help me,and even went to Portland to pick up the 40B for me. He is in process of building the stand and hood now, and as soon as I can get the pics from him I'll post them. Everyone should see the amazing job he has done so far helping me w/ this build. sergebmw3 is even going to deliver and help put in the sump.


For lighting I will be using a 4 bulb 36watt T-5 fixture, w/ 2 blue pluses 1 purple 454 and 1 6,700k day bulb. The sump is a 29gal standard tank w/ skimmer section, fuge and external overflow box. I have an ECOplus 1056 for the return pump.And the skimmer will be the 1 I have on the 20 right now, a modded sea clone that surprisingly works really well. I will post more as soon as I have pics of the great stand & hood build that sergebmw3 is putting together for me. I thought I would stain the wood so I wouldn't mind color suggestions.(rock2)

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40B is just a really good size tank, I enjoy mine every day. :) And someone told me once that hammers and frogspawns were from the same class or something and can touch without harm, I know my frog and long tentacle hammer touch fine, and even look cool doing so. I could be very wrong though ;)

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I do like the 40B it seems to have good depth, and it wouldn't surprise me if the 2 corals could get along.I have seen heads from my hammer floating in my tank from time to time, I know he just needs more room, from who would be the big question of the day. Pics of the build coming soon

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Hood and Stand


So here is the progress on the stand and hood, curtsey of sergebmw3. And what a great job he is doing.




Here is the covering to go on the frame. Looking for suggestions on color to stain it.



And the start of the hood.



He has really thrown this together supper fast for me. I'll put the pics up as they come.

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Hey, every 1 was sure where to post this request. Thought since it's for the tank I'm setting up I'd post it here, but does any 1 in the Salem area have a 5gal bucket or 4 they could loan me for the weekend. I'm coming up short on mixing buckets. Don't normally need that many, but I've got to get my salt mixed soon or it won't be ready for set up.


Thx, every 1

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so here are some updates on what i have done today.


i went to home depot to get something that i can use on the hood so the front panel would just lift open and stay open, while there is weight pushing down. i found a Concealed hinge H01068 90 degree opening.




Then i made the doors and skinned the whole lover part of the stand the Trim on the bottom is yet to be made in the morning.





here is the pic of the hood with the front panel that will lift open, thought this would be easier to do with little space and looks.





tommorow ( DOH!DOH!DOH!) Today in the morning ill start on the hood and have the whole thing finished by the evening maybe late after noon. (plotting)


i might sit down and write up a detail list of what i did and how i ended up with what i got.

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The Finished Product




Big props to sergebmw3, Who put the whole thing together


And here are some of the features he included.

90 degree hinges, so the hood opens from the front





A beautiful trim



And I just got to say how much I like the paneling being off set. It gives it texture and a little depth.




He is even nice enough to bring it all the way to Salem for me, as if the amazing job he did wasn't enough. sergebmw3 I have a ton of frags for you, and if you ever need anything in this hobby I expect be be the first to know.


Tomorrow I start to transfer tanks. The plan is to treat it like a big water change. Move all livestock sand and rock, and than add the sump in a week. I will take pics and include step by step progress.

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Yes they, are. I'm hoping to do this more like a transfer tank. So any advice would be great, like should I leave the lights off for the day, or should I follow regular hours. Maybe I should follow regular hours and wait to transfer tomorrow? that way I can do it before lights on and follow regular hours? all input wellcome

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It's here


So sergebmw3 came by and dropped my tank off today. Thank you sergebmw3, and I know you guys are probably getting tired of the same pictures of an empty tank. Tonight I plan on fixing that, but here is a couple more of it getting here and what I'm doing w/ it since it arrived.

Here is where it will live



I've put in some racks, for the rocks to sit on, and the frag racks now. This way they wont move.




Night lights, although I plan to add 1 more in the back next week.




And painted the back




Last pic of the empty tank in 30min I start moving things over.



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Better than portland. That is worst case though. I have power heads running and am only 3" from the top so it's not too bad. I do have some awesome corals I have fraged would kick 1 down to the person. I'm going to hit my neighbor up right now and see if I can get her to run me to the store. I'll let you guys know.

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