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How important fish are to your overall tanks look?


How important fish are to your overall tanks look?  

  1. 1.

    • A must have, or else what is the point?
    • I would like to have them, but I might survive with only a few
    • not to worry about it...
    • Fish, I like to eat them...who wants them alive in a tank?

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I have read many posts about people who do not care about having many fish in their tank, they are wanting to coral. I thought the same thing after I had all my fish wiped out but a lawnmower blenny. I was like, I have my coral and that is all I really need, I will get fish later or for clean up purposes...but after having a pretty baron tank for a while, I added a fish or two and that was good for awhile, but I want alot more fish now.

Plus that is what guests look for in the tank, not the coral. I know that this hobby is for the person who owns the tank and it is that way for me, but I also want guests to enjoy the tank as well.


So I was curious where other people stand on the importance of fish in their tanks and why?

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IMO a reef isnt a reef without a stable population of fish now i know some may go overboard or add the wronge types that would hender there tank rather then benefit it.But i believe there a important part of the pyrimid of animals i keep.They feed your corals through waste production and also help to keep tank clean depending on species some better then others, thats ware knowing the fish your adding and what benefits or nonbenefits they bring and create a balance.I think ware most folks mess up with fish is they tend to get a pretty good population of fish before they have corals because fish are safe to add fairly soon ware as corals have to wait for tank to mature and most hate a empty tank lol and theres really no balance of nutrient exportation which then turns to algae problems before they even get started. So i always add a few small fish to start then get a healthy population of corals because they are nutreint takers then start adding the fish slowly to get my final population.

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I'm with Jody for the most part. I think fish are vital to the tank and definately add something active to look at. But they must work for you, not against you. I do not want to have problems with the fish i will be adding so i'm taking everything slow. My plan is to slowely build up the LR in my tank to get the look i want. But before i get the reef built, i want to have my fish population established. By going about it this way, i feel i can add the fish on my list in a certain order. If one of them turns out to be trouble, i should be able to catch it easier with less LR in there. Once all my fish are cohabitating peacefully i'll finish my rockwork.

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I have a small number of fish in my tank, 5. I would like to add 1 or 2 more, which would give me 7. Doesn't sound like alot in a 100 but 2 of them will be large when they reach adulthood and they are active. So I don't want to cramp them by adding to much.

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Guest Mbeef61

i love my fish....i used to have a few but they would get skiddish when people came over and they would ask where are all the fish in the fish tank.....so now i have 17 in my 100....2 schools of dither fish to make the others come out and feel secure...just takes a huge skimmer to back it up.


1 naso tang

1 sailfin tang

1 foxface

1 bangii cardinal

1 royal gramma

1 longnose hawk

5 lyretail anthias....4 female 1 male

6 blue chromis.


i wouldnt take any out and it takes alot for me to add another for fear of disrupting paradise

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The 125gal. I just got has a nice ballance of fish. I would not have bought the tank if not for the fish he had in it. A Sailfin who is without a doubt the boss of the tank (threaten) . A very nice Purple Tang who is his biatch(scary) . A yellow Tank who likes to watch(naughty) . A Copperband who keeps all the evil Aptasia at bay(enforcer) . A Coral Beauty who is dead sexy(flower) . A Marine Beta who is downright the tightest fish in the tank(kneel) . And a real ugly mated pair of Pajima Cardinals:eek: :eek:. I call the ugly and uglier! But they breed often and the male spits his babys out as food for the possy! Oh ya a single Perc Clown who is a loner(sad) . I feel it is a great ballance and selection of fish, and I would not have this tank if not for them..http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/ranran/mickeys%20stuff/Mickeysstuff003.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/ranran/mickeys%20stuff/Mickeysstuff008.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/ranran/mickeys%20stuff/Mickeysstuff007.jpg

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We have quite a few fish in our 120 which also houses most of our corals. We love watching the interaction and it keeps the kids entertained too. Each fish seems to have a personality although I will be looking to have a bbq soon involving a coral beauty the other half brought home one day. Beautiful fish, it just has a taste for things it shouldn't be going near..........we're going to fix that(plotting) .

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I am kinda the opposite of Bemo. I had NOTHING but water and a powerhead in my tank just 4 weeks ago. I still sat and watched the waves. When I added a little sand and a piece of raw squid, my wife thought I was crazy for watching the squid decompose. Now that I have some live rock and a couple of micro-hermits I am watching the hermits crawl all over the rock, pick off stuff, and I can do this for hours... It seems the only other thing that I do that relaxes me is reading about other people's tanks. (does not even come close to sitting in front of my own tank) It is a nice way to unwind at the end of the day.


I can hardly wait for a frogspawn, or a bubble, or *someday* an anemone and clownfish pair. Let's just get through the cycle first, get some good lights, and I'll be good to go.


My wife thinks that the tank needs a tang (tank is too small), and about 34 different fish. I'll just have to keep telling her no :( 3 small fish in a 25-30 gal is plenty.


dsoz :)

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I am kinda the opposite of Bemo. I had NOTHING but water and a powerhead in my tank just 4 weeks ago. I still sat and watched the waves. When I added a little sand and a piece of raw squid, my wife thought I was crazy for watching the squid decompose. Now that I have some live rock and a couple of micro-hermits I am watching the hermits crawl all over the rock, pick off stuff, and I can do this for hours... It seems the only other thing that I do that relaxes me is reading about other people's tanks. (does not even come close to sitting in front of my own tank) It is a nice way to unwind at the end of the day.


I can hardly wait for a frogspawn, or a bubble, or *someday* an anemone and clownfish pair. Let's just get through the cycle first, get some good lights, and I'll be good to go.


My wife thinks that the tank needs a tang (tank is too small), and about 34 different fish. I'll just have to keep telling her no :( 3 small fish in a 25-30 gal is plenty.


dsoz :)

That is when you tell her, that if she wants more fish you need a bigger tank (clap)

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