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RO/DI recommedations?


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Does anyone out there recommend a good RO/DI filter system? I bought a super cheap one on Ebay, so I don't think it is giving me the best quality water. My diatom problem doesn't seem to be getting any better, so I want to start eliminating each issue, 1-by-1, to figure out what's causing them. First step, better water filter.....so please let me know if u can recommend something that isn't super expensive, thanks. (clap)

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What matters about an RO/DI are the filters that are used in each system. You can assemble that unit as you desire. I would recomend two places to call. Air water and ice and the Filters Guys. Both places offer great prices and great service and great knowledge. I have used both in the past and been very happy with each. I recently ordered from air water and ice and they offered free shipping to club members.

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You can also get hand held tds meters for less than 20 bucks.


I think its more about the filters than the unit. I got mine from purewaterclub.com. Served me well for a couple of years now. Just keep an eye on your TDS and change your filters when needed.

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I have a unit from air water & ice. I have been very pleased and their customer service has been great. I bought a used unit a while back and the SOV stopped working. They replaced it free of charge even though I bought it used. I bought another new unit from them with the dual inline TDS meter and love it.

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