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Anemone questions


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How often and how much do you guys feed yours? I've been giving each of mine a little sliver of silverside every other day. ? They seem to eat it, but is that too much?


I've 2 BTAs and a sebae (which was bright white but turning brownish-beige as it grows, for some reason; I assume this isn't detrimental, since it's the fastest-growing anemone in there).


One BTA curled up in a death ball for more than three days but luckily never let go of the rock. I thought for sure it was dying but couldn't figure out why (water tests all fine). Today, it's fully out as if nothing was wrong. Does this just happen sometimes?


Thanks for any info...


I'm gonna go google some more, but so much info is conflicting on the net...

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your sebae (heteractis crispa) is supposed to be dark. the brown its regaining in its tentacles is the zooxanthellae, the algae, that help the anemone photosynthesize light. white anemones are bleached, and not healthy. whats happening now is very good.


the bubble tip was merely reacting to...some stimuli. food. stress. contact with some thing.


as for feeding, anemones are predators. its said that they can get by on light alone, and in some cases thats true. but feeding is recommended. as with anything else, variety is good. krill. table shrimp. silversides. squid. anything like that is good. occasionally ill stick formula 1 and 2 cubes (since theyre so gelatinous) in my anemones, so they get even the spirulina.


once a week is fine. once every two weeks is fine. every two days would probably even be fine. the more you feed, the more they will grow.

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One BTA curled up in a death ball for more than three days but luckily never let go of the rock. I thought for sure it was dying but couldn't figure out why (water tests all fine). Today' date=' it's fully out as if nothing was wrong. Does this just happen sometimes?[/quote']


From what I've seen, mine do this on occasion, if you are feeding them silversides and not disturbing them when they do this they should be fine. also try feeding mysis shrimp to them they do like those as a snack, just take some frozen mysis and thaw them out enough that they break apart when you put it in the water, and just scatter them around the anemone, they will catch a few and they love em

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CCR - My maroon female splits her time between it and the sebae, so it's hosted about half-time.


oldbrownies - It was too closed up for me to get silversides (or anything else for that matter) near its tentacles:(, so I just left it alone. As soon as it opened up tho I fed it


Ron - My BTAs don't ever seem to grow despite the feedings, but I guess if it doesn't hurt them to feed them regularly and they seem to take it all, I'll continue with the every-other-day thing for now. Thanks for the info. The sebae's definitely growing. I'm glad that the browning is good!! Bleaching sounds harsh; seems like it'd kill it.


This morning for the first time I found a "kill" in the sebae. One of my biggest hermits! :eek: (Good thing, cuz he was getting big enough that it was nearing time to unload him). It was half-in, half-out of the sebae's mouth, the soft body almost already consumed. The maroon female was having a FIT trying to rip it off her sebae. Still no idea how it caught that big thing, though. Predator is right (scary)


Thanks for all the help! :D




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OMG Jay, that's impressive. Perfect tank. =0 My sebae's grown nonstop but my bubbles stay the same size. No idea why... Guess I need to tweak things.


I LOVE to see those BTAs that get so big that their tips are long arms and not bubbles.. It's incredible. <3


Please post pics! I'd love to see your anemones...

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  • 1 month later...

This is a great thread especially for me right now as I just bought a Bubble tip today. I got it to attach in just the right spot and hopefully it stays. I was curious about feeding them and now thanks to this thread I've got some ideas.


I do have a question though for you guys. I have a Percula clown and she is hosting in a leather coral which is fine as it doesn't seem to bug it but I want to move her into the anemone. Any tricks?




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I think she will eventually move over to the anenome. What color is yours Eddie? I've been wanting a red one for awhile for my clowns.


One thing you might try if she doesn't move, put the anenome near the glass. Then on the outside of the tank tape a picture of another clown to tank so she can see it. I've read it should entice her to move.

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This is a great thread especially for me right now as I just bought a Bubble tip today. I got it to attach in just the right spot and hopefully it stays. I was curious about feeding them and now thanks to this thread I've got some ideas.


I do have a question though for you guys. I have a Percula clown and she is hosting in a leather coral which is fine as it doesn't seem to bug it but I want to move her into the anemone. Any tricks?





I've never had any luck with moving them from one host to another. I've had them split their time between things, but it seems never the one I intended them to. Hopefully you will have more success.

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I think she will eventually move over to the anenome. What color is yours Eddie? I've been wanting a red one for awhile for my clowns.


One thing you might try if she doesn't move, put the anenome near the glass. Then on the outside of the tank tape a picture of another clown to tank so she can see it. I've read it should entice her to move.


Wow no way. I'll give it a few days but I am curious to try the pic idea. To update the situation, The anemone migrated to a slightly different area and very close to a baby leather coral. What I did was detach the leather which sucked but the anemone was more important to me. I will try to get the baby leather to attach to a small rock so I can move where I want to. Actually where the anemone is now is a pretty cool spot. I hope it's decided to stay there! The color of it isn't all that impressive, it's a kind of tan color with a very little hint of green. I have it under halides so hopefully it'll color up. One thing I did notice was that it did form those bubbles which it didn't really have in the shop. Weird huh?

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I've been reading about BTAS a lot lately in preparation for a BTA species tank next schoolyear. One thing I'd be concerned about is having your BTA in such a small tank. You might be moving a lot of things. Feeding often seems to help them stay put from what I have read so far. Still, you may have some chemical warfare going on between your softies and the BTA.


The other thing I read is that formation of bubble tips have no scientific proven relationship to anything. This would make an excellent scientific inquiry for my students!!! Don't know if they could prove anything though.

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Yeah having a tank with soft corals in general is like a battle royale. I was listening to a talk by Anthony Calfo in which he calls these kinds of tank "Toxic soup tanks". He said people get away with it because of water changes and skimming. I did defintely worry about the thing wandering around stinging everthing but I figured I'd keep an eagle eye on it and we'll see what happens.

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condyclactis tend to remain whitish, h. crispa can be a healthy with long tentacles and be whitish as well....around africa the h. magnificas will have intense red bases with white tentacles....and sometimes youll have some e. quadricolors that are essentially clear.


but for the most part, white anemones, as with white sps, is not typically a good thing.

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condyclactis tend to remain whitish, h. crispa can be a healthy with long tentacles and be whitish as well....around africa the h. magnificas will have intense red bases with white tentacles....and sometimes youll have some e. quadricolors that are essentially clear.


but for the most part, white anemones, as with white sps, is not typically a good thing.


Thanks for the info!

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This is a great thread for me also as I just got a BTA I am sad to hear that what I thought was a very pretty BTA is probably a bleached out and stressed one. At first it hid out in caves and low light areas now finally it has moved high up in the tank on top of some rocks and has stayed there for about three days now. Should I look for this to start coloring up? Turning brown or red? Here is a picture of my BTA can any one tell me the name so I can study up on it? thanks



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Entacmaea quadricolor is the anemone you have, and as it colors up it will probably be a brownish green, if not green....keep it fed too. right now mysis might be all it takes, but eventually step up to silversides and krill and such....youll notice darker patches developing in the tentacles, and then soon, the whole anemone will be a darker, richer color. those tentacles will also lengthen as it gets more healthy.

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Good to hear that it is now where you can see and feed it. :)


It made it very hard to appreciate when it was in the back of the tank. Maybe your clown will switch from the xenia to the anemone. Then it won't get mad when the host does not eat the offering!


Good luck with it. If yours does well, then I will think of getting one sometime at the end of summer.


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