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Skimmer Help?


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First off sorry for being vauge cause I don't exactly know what I have(brand and such). Bought this skimmer used about 8 months ago. Had a very hard time getting it set up and dialed in. Has been skimming great and doing a good job(7 months or so). Came home Friday noticed lots of micro bubbles in the display. Checked the sump found it full of bubbles and the skimmer going crazy micro bubbles coming out of the outlet and it skimming very wet and the cup almost half full. I cant figure out why it did this. I changed filter sock(on normal schedule) that reduced the wet skimming a little. I choked down the venturi a little and cleaned out the cup. Was working great till this morning now there are micro bubbles again, but it is skimming normally. If I let more air in it skims way way to wet but no micro bubbles. What should I do now. About ready to drop kick this POS to the back yard. But gotta wait a couple weeks till I get my bonus then I think I will pick up another one.

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sounds like you have done what you can to adjust for less micros, my skimmer used to do the same and I had to add a filter pad to the sump for the water to flow "thru" that captured the micros-not an answer but a possible remedy. I bought them on ebay 12 packs they where the filter that went on the outside of a magnum 350 canister-half the price as anywhere else ( i found)

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I thought about adding a sock to catch the bubbles. That just seems to be curing the bubbles getting into the display not fixing the skimmer. So I decided that will be my last resort. Before getting a new skimmer.


I have not checked the venturi line yet for blockage. I will do that tonight. But in my past experience it causes it to not skim well. This one acts like to much air. If I leave the line wide open like i had it for 5 months or more. It would over flow the skimmer in a couple hours.


Not a new filter sock but one that had been washed. Dont know how many cycles it has been through. I change the filter socks every friday or saturday.


Thanks for all the help and good ideas keep them coming. I am gonna be working on it tonight after work. There are a couple things I have been meaning to change. I also want to tear the pump down and inspect it and the venturi line.

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I thought about adding a sock to catch the bubbles. That just seems to be curing the bubbles getting into the display not fixing the skimmer. So I decided that will be my last resort. Before getting a new skimmer.


I have not checked the venturi line yet for blockage. I will do that tonight. But in my past experience it causes it to not skim well. This one acts like to much air. If I leave the line wide open like i had it for 5 months or more. It would over flow the skimmer in a couple hours.


Not a new filter sock but one that had been washed. Dont know how many cycles it has been through. I change the filter socks every friday or saturday.


Thanks for all the help and good ideas keep them coming. I am gonna be working on it tonight after work. There are a couple things I have been meaning to change. I also want to tear the pump down and inspect it and the venturi line.


If there is blockage in the venturi line, it would cause less air to be sucked into the skimmer, which would in turn increase the amount of water being pushed into it. Since there is now more water than usual going into the skimmer, this increased flow will pull air bubbles out with it that have not had a chance to rise in the skimmer body, giving you micro bubbles.


Its just something i always check when i get microbubbles. Its always the cause in my system (besides a new filter sock), but i know yours is different. Keep looking you'll track it down.

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That makes sense impur. I never really looked or marked what my water level inside the skimmer tube is(excuse my technical terms have no idea what the parts are called). I will find out tonight after cleaning.


I just run my filter socks through the washer on hot/hot heavy dirt cycle with no soap or anything. Then I rinse in ro/di water and hang dry before installation.

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