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Best way to control chiller?


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I'm getting ready to hook up my chiller for the first time. I was thinking about turning on the circ. pump at say 80 with my controller and setting the chiller at 80.5 . This would keep the circ. pump from running when not needed, but still provide enough flow before and after chiller setpoint to avoid any freez-up issues.

Anybody see any problems with this?

Let me know if there is a better way.

Thanks Gabe

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My idea is as the temp ramps up the pump turns on at 80, putting water in the chiller. At 80.5 the chillers thermostat turns on the compressor. When the temp drops below 80.5 the compressor shuts off. The pump will continue to run untill the temp drops below 80.

I know I may have to experiment with temps, since the two thermometers may not match exactly.

Just looking for anybody who has done something like this before to learn from.

Thanks Gabe

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it is best to keep flow running through the chiller, that way if it doesn't run for a while, the water doesn't turn stagnant and mess up your system, or worse yet, damage your chiller.


I have my chiller come on at 79 degrees and go off at 77.5. heater goes on at 75 degrees and off at 76.5

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+ one Make sure that water is flowing long enough (after it shuts off) for the coils to get back to ambient temp. And remember if you don't have some sort of failsafe you are risking ruining your chiller, in the event somthing for some reason doesn't do what it's supposed to. Lord knows it happens to us all.

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Good point... hadn't thought about the water just sitting in there. The more I think about it, the chiller will be in the garage and could reach a higher temp without the water flowing. Not good. All this to try and save 37 watts/hr. Probably not worth it.


Thanks again, Gabe

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  • 2 weeks later...

X3 with circ. pump on all the time. Depending on your controller you do not want the on/off cycle to not have a vaience in temperature. A set point o( 80.5 will have the chiller cycling to much. You need an on/off difference in temps. Please forgive me if you are already aware of this.


Sent from Tapatalk while sitting on a commode

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