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Eric Borneman's new situation......now this is bizzare


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Eric is one of the leading authors and speakers in our hobby. One of his most popular books is "Aquarium Corals". Most of his career has centered around coral husbandry. Our club brought him in as a speaker about 2 years ago......I think. He has fallen off the radar in the past year or so. I thought that he did most of his research through the University of Houston.....or something like that.



Here's his bio from Reefkeeping magazine:



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Wow, so it is THE Eric Borneman. I have your book Eric get well soon! I have seen this before with well respected people highly intelligent people. It seems with sometimes with pure genius mental illness follows a close second. It's a shame.

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  • 3 weeks later...

While he is probably embarrassed as hell I still say thanks to the guy for writing so many great things. I have learned a ton from him. Also Ahem... I will not be running for president... Done a LOT of stupid things in my day, and hell it was a lot of fun. Lucky I was never in trouble with the law but then I never did stupid things in Texas where they actually care. Hopefully he's not too embarrassed to continue making great contributions to the world, but perhaps now can go on with knowledge of where his personal limits are.


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not smart on his professional behalf...I love the line in the article: "I honestly have to say that I’m very surprised to be hearing this news. I’ve known Eric for a several years and he’s always been one of the nicest guys I’ve known." What does nice what to do with being wasted in someone elses pool? hahaha

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Sounds like it was a heck of a party.... I agree with Kate, we have all done something stupid in our lives. Hope he gets it straightened out and back on track. He sure has alot more he can contribute to the hobby..

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There is also always the possibility he was given a drug or med and had what the industry calls "an adverse reaction" or suffering from a seizure or diabetes... I don't like to see peoples' names dragged through the mud over a medical problem. Docs give this stuff called Ambien out like candy and people do things they would not normally do... even commit murder. Some people think it is funny or advantageous to dose drinks at parties and bars with various substances (experienced this first hand thank you very much). To me it sounds like a personal medical problem that I think has no bearing on his contribution to my life. On the other hand... I can see some obvious similarities between addictive behavior and the practice of collecting every frag in existence and cramming it all into a tank that has no more room. Ahem. (: So perhaps addictive tendencies are a benefit in this and similar hobbies.


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