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Earthquake and our aquariums?


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Yup, been thinking about this as well. I think the tank and stand would hold up, but maybe not hold upright... Maybe some flex braces to the wall wouldn't be a bad idea. But in the bigger picture, If the NW gets hit by a 9.0 and a huge tsunami, I'll just be happy to survive.


FYI: you may want to check your INS policy man. They may cover damges FROM your tank exploding and leaking all over, but in order for them to cover the CONTENTS of your tank(possibly thousands of dollars), you may need a special "declared/apraised item" type of addition to your policy. You'd be suprised what they wont pay you when its time to come through and its not in writing. Especially after a huge event like this thread is talking about.

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Too many factors to give a decent answer. I think mine would be fine in anything we have seen over the past 40-50 years here (which is what I took into consideration when I set it up) but I doubt any would survive if we had an 8.9 directly under us. (If nothing else the tanks would bounce off the stands)

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if a quake happens' date=' i think my aquarium will be the least of my worries.... but yes i think my tank would hold[/quote']


I would have to agree that my tank would not be my main concern. #1 concern would be family!


But to answer your question; No my current tank would not survive a large quake. About 10 years ago there was the "Spring Break Quake". Some may remember it. It was like a 4.something and I had water splash out of my then 55g, about 5 gallons splashed out.

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I would have one heck of a wet garage if the garage was even standing. I have really started to think about quake insurance after this tragic event in Japan. Family of course is always #1 but getting back on our feet would be a pretty big concern of mine. I have a feeling that a few of my tanks may make it but who really knows with that kind of destruction. My freaking roof could fall down right on everything and break every tank in the shop. Scary stuff. I worry enough about the dang power going out. Much less a catastrophic event of this nature.

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I was just reading a Calfo book where he suggest to use acrylic tanks in areas subject to earthquakes. No idea if it based on experience or what.

I don't know why, but this recall me the Zoo scene in the movie Underground of Emir Kusturica :)

Fish and corals on the floor :(

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a large earthquake would probably serverly damage most old houses but new houses would have a much better chance because of the more strict building codes. i believe acrylic tanks would perform better than glass because they are flexible. flexible is better than rigid in an earthquake unless the structure is extremely rigid.

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See if you can insure it :) a quake that big will probably topple my house so I'm not too worried about the tank strength


haha +1


I am pretty sure it does. I asked my agent if my tank were to explode and everything was lost would it be covered? and he said yes.


I would have recorded that haha!

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