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Wrasse add on?


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So I have flat worms and the killer just aint killing....I wanna wrasse to eat them...

I have a 40 gallon bowfront with two picasso clowns a midnight angel, a yellow watchman goby and a randal pistol shrimp and a brisle tooth tang right now... I have alot of rocks and 4 plus inch sand bed...And every one is buddys in the tank.,. oh and two rose bubble tip anemones


could I but a wrasse in it? or would my shrimp or goby have issues?


what might be a good wrasse?

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Melanurus wrasse 365 days a year my friend! They are the most prone to leave your other inverts alive and well and will eat up all your flatworms! Also add your wrasse at night so they will go right to bed (in the sand) This will also increase the chances of your inverts survival. :)

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The flatworm that you have to look out for is the red variety. They can become toxic if they die at the same time. Please excuse me if I am repeating knowledge that you already have. I have had them wax and wane in my tank. Nutrient control will bring the population down. You can also get a mesh paint filter from Jerry's, secure it with a rubber band to the exit of a maxijet and put a tube on the maxijet. What you have is a flatworm vac cleaner. Vac the buggers out, rinse the mesh filter and do it again.

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