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My TECO Purchase!!


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So today I got my order from Jody.(yahoo) I am so impressed with the way that he pakaged everything and the condition it came in. Everything opened up within an hour of putting it in the tank and my chalices are coloring up beautifully, along with the sps all starting to extend there polyps nicely. I can not say enough about Jody's customer service and his care in packaging and making sure everything arrived in healthy condition. Two huge thumbs up to TECO!!!!(rock2)(rock2)


I know, I know (worthless) they will be posting soon. My photography skills suck though so whatever you see it is twice that in person.(laugh

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Yes, Jody takes great pride in his corals and I have always been impressed at how good everything looks and how usually my zoas are already opened up or open up within about a half hour of being in the tank.


With all the online stores that "enhance" their pictures it is a pleasant surprise to get a coral that actually looks much better in person than the picture.

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So here are the pics!!


Floating the whole bag when I got it



Individual bags



TECO Alien Eye



TECO Blue Abyss



Stardust PE






Aussie Wall Hammer



Sky Blue Milli



Red Planet


The Milli broke in shipping which gave me a excuse to do my first sps frag. We will see, this is the frag in the bottom right of the Pic


Pearl Berry



Teco Purple Dream






And a pic of all the frags in my tank! Don't know if this is where they will all sit forever so there not in permently.


Not a great pic sorry. I guess none of them are. haha

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Real nice John! I'm going to Jody's web site right now!


He is definitely worth the purchase and if you are looking for something in particular just message him he goes by reefboy on pnwmas or give him a call his number is on his site. His stuff is really wysiwyg it actually looks better in person than in his pictures.

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I love your tank, and your new corals look awesome in there!


I really like your rock, can you tell me where you got it?




Thanks fir the kind words about the tank. I got the rock from marcorocks.com. Marc is a really nice guy and the rock is amazing. I bought the Fiji rock but I think he is all sold out of it now and only has Key largo rock. I ordered some of both and like the Fiji a lot better but the key largo is still very nice. I did mostly base rock and then seeded it with live rock.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am an addict for sure. My wife is not very happy with me(wife) she gets over it quick though, bless her heart. I wish my clowns would host that hammer that is the main reason I bought it. They will not leave the side of my overflow. I wish they would atleast host a rock(laugh) but they are all over a stupid piece of plastic lol. Although now that my hammer is really opening up I am in love, love, love with it. That coral is amazing in person.

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