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Marineland Recalled Stealth Pro heaters!

Harold B

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I had one that fried on me. tossed it though. How are you supposed to get your money back when it got thrown away?


I know at our stores we need to have the product for an exchange or return. You might want to look into emailing Marineland on it. They've been having issues with these heaters for months and waited way too long to recall them in the first place.

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Took mine to petsmart tonight! Never had a clue I had one of the ones that were blowing up! Wish they would of had the titanium ones at the store though:( either way thanks for this post! Saved me a heater blow up in my saltwater mixing trash can:)


Well titanium isn't all it's cracked up to be. We had one brand finnix blow up in our saltwater mixing barrel. Lucky for us it wasn't in the tank.

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I haven't used a heater in years. My tank is in my living room at room temp and even with the lights off it doesn't get very cold at night. What causes so many people to use heaters? Are your houses that cold? Seems like they cause lots of problems and I'm wondering why so many people even bother with them? thanks

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I haven't used a heater in years. My tank is in my living room at room temp and even with the lights off it doesn't get very cold at night. What causes so many people to use heaters? Are your houses that cold? Seems like they cause lots of problems and I'm wondering why so many people even bother with them? thanks


My tank is in the basement. It is in the high 60's year round down there. With T5 lights, the tank does not get warm enough without a heater.



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So....What are you guys recommending to replace the Marineland heaters with?


Ebo Jager?




What is the most reliable/cost effective alternative?


I use one of these on my nano tank...have had it on there for like 3 years...I dont think it comes on at all though...its in my office, which never gets below 72.

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I have been using an eheim jager since I set my tank up in october and its amazing, my water has never fluctuated more than .3 degrees. One thing that may be a problem for some people is that they are really long (my 200watt is about 18" )and have to be vertical in the tank.


Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

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