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Maxi-mini carpet anemone group buy #2!!!

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Here are the details from the last buy which will continue to this buy:


For those of you who love carpet anemones but were afraid to get one because you heard they can be fragile and get big these things are perfect and amazing! We are using our 15 gallon aquapod for these amazing creatures(clap)(clap)


The Nov/Dec Coral magazine has a great article about them: "They are exceptionally hardy, easy to keep , and extremely simple to clone by cutting. Like other anemones they do have a sting and prefer to live on or tucked into a rock rock. They usually reach about 5-6 inches!"



The price will be 10 dollars cheaper and we need a total of at least 10 people prepaid. The price is 35 dollars for Grade A or 50 dollars for an ultra.


You can't pick out your Maxi-min beforehand. Garrett will not know what he gets until the shipment comes and will grade them and then by raffle people get to make their picks. That's always fun to me!


Here's who I have for round 2:


For sures: (if you're not for sure then speak now)


Algae- Grade A PAID

newfisher- Ultra- PAID

Nate- Ultra- PAID

jgf86123- Ultra- PAID




aquaman30k- Ultra- Went a different route







So who wants in on this Maxi-mini group buy fun?!



More details of how things work and how the first group buy went down can be found here:



New for this buy: If you buy 2, I will knock $5 off of your total. If you buy 3 I will knock $15 off!!!

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I would like to get everyone's for sure status as soon as possible so that I can decide when to bring the anemones in. I am thinking that if we can get it all hammered out by the end of the week and payments in by the end of the weekend then we can probably get these guys ordered next week, pics up mid to late week, and pickup there after. What are everyones thoughts and who all wants in??



Also, I now have a few of sources to get these guys from, so the variety and diversity of what comes in should be pretty awesome if we can get enough people involved!!!

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2 questions before we decide for sure, we're leaning towards an Ultra btw lol.


1. Can anyone from the Portland/Vancouver area who's in on this bring ours up with them if they go down? Jess isn't feeling up to a long trip ATM an I can't drive lol.




2. Does anyone know if clowns will host them?

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Looks good... Who else wants in? I wanna get this thing rocking!!!


These guys will host some clowns(seen my false percs swimming in them) They are a small anemone though so I don't think they are the best option as far as a host anemone goes. It will be good to have you and Jess down to check out the system if you can make it Mick.


Sharol, let me know if you want back in at any point in time. I should have a few extra come in ;)

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No worries man, I'm not buyin em to host, just wanna make sure the clowns can host em if they decide to LOL I've got to get some stuff picked up, but have everything but the plumbing supplies needed for the frag tank, an this guy is gonna go in there with my GSM's lol gotta find a nem for them too....What ya got an what kinda prices do you have on nems that a mated/spawning pair of GSM's will host? lol

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