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Anyone care to take a stab at IDing this?


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So I got this online, and the picture made it look like some kind of birdsnest, and since I seem to do the best with birdsnest, I figured what the heck so added it to my order, well when I got it, it doesn't really look like a birdsnest, there was no description of what it was they just said, "SPS Frag"....(scratch) I e-mailed them several times asking about it, but have not received any reply. I like it, I was thinking it was maybe a Stylophora or something? Anyway, here is a crappy pic, anyone have any idea of what it might be? Anyone have some of this?



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Thanks for all the replies, Pocillopora it is, kinda threw me there with the growth pattern, it doesn't look anything like the Pocillopora I already have. Oh' well, it was only $5....can't complain, I like it.....we will see how it does and how it grows.


Thanks everyone for your imput....

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I wanna know what the purple coral is behind it.


Thats Green Star Polyp that is closed up, I turned the lights on to snap the pic, and they had "gone to bed" already, that peice was the first peice of coral I ever bought, Its different than the other "Green Star Polyps" I have had, these don't spread super fast and are not cancerous like the other stuff I have, I like this stuff, but not the other.

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That was probably only getting limited light on the top only. The thing with pocillipora is they grow so thick that the center and under side will look alot like how yours is looking in the center now. I'd introduce it to ever increasing light slowly and it will fill out i'm sure they are a hearty coral. JMO FME

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