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Please Read and Re-read


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With all the back and forth craziness that has been as of late. I felt like it was important to give this it's own thread so everyone can read and remember. I'm not gonna go and edit it at all from how it was in the Teco Group Buy Grow out thread so here it is. This was not directed at anyone so please don't take it that way. Their has just been a lot of talk on and off the forum and I'd like to give it a positive spin...;)



Regardless of the problems and such that Eric has brought, I think it's worth noting that he arguably did more for this forum then any one other member ever has. Maybe some of you forgot that he is the one who got the GOC off the ground and spent his time and money to keep it going. This also brought in many members just to join in on those games. He rounded up prizes and worked as damage control between parties involved(few know of this). He also helped out a lot in these group buy grow outs too. If you'll notice their is a reason his name is on the first post. Some of the buys were through his connections that they were even possible. Let's not forget the "share the love" either. Moto may have done it first, but Eric took it to the whole next level. How much did he give away to try to promote the idea. Anyone who has won something through "share the love" has been directly effected in a positive way by Eric's good intentions in getting it going. I don't know if you could find one person on this forum that bought coral from him and didn't walk out with something extra(many times 4 or 5 extras). So I think he deserves the corals he paid for and much much much more. Matter of fact, the only thing he didn't deserve was how his punishment was handed to him. If you want to discuss that further PM me and I'll be glad to enlighten you.;)



It's easy to forget the good and dwell on the bad. I know many of you see Eric in your own way and nothing will change that but lets give it a rest until you've done as much for this club as he has. Then you can be the one to stone him to death.(torch)(torch)(jail)(torch)(torch)(gavel)

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I agree he did a lot for the boards but he also did quite a bit of damage as well. Not trying to be negative towards him but look at things like his own grow out competition. Its been six months since he's had our money with no winner and the prizes are no where to be found. I could care less for my self as I have higher end zoas then those anyways but it needs to be resolved for everyone involved.


On a lighter note the only time I met eric him and I talked quite a bit. Very nice guy and we talked through pm's frequently. I wish him good luck with the shark tank and hope at some point in time we might be able to track him down on other boards to see how it turned out.


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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I would agree


Hey Brandon I agree he is was entitled to what GO's he was in, I even posted it and sent Eric a text.

He replied back to me saying it looks like there is some resistance to that happening-Other than the few posts I read "before" I posted my stance (in the teco group buy thread) I have yet to see any so I did not know what he meant.

He said he wants the Purple Hornet which I will get to him, but other than those he basically said he sold you all his spots in all the grow outs. I made note of it in the TECO but have not got around to it yet for the others.


He and I sent more than one text back and forth last night-the last one said you are getting what he has coming and nobody will have any problem with that at all-


If someone does have an issue please speak up so you have a chance to be heard, not that it will matter-(whistle) since what he paid into will go to him or Brandon-;).

It may be interesting reading in why someone would think he is not entitled to it.


Longiotti-as I understand (and its written in the forum rules) some type of threat was made by him to another member-this thread was pulled so I never saw it-It was between Him and Emerald and the rules mention threats and actions surrounding threats.

I never saw the thread so all I have is hearsay, but my information came from one of those involved parties.



Nice post Brandon-I agree with what you said

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so a threat of personal harm or something like that?

I take it even jokingly will be taken seriously? seems a little extreme but rules are rules. I figured the rule that was broken was in the rules but I did not know which one. Well let this be a lesson then. looks like there is no tolerance for that kind of thing. I have heard a lot of people moving from RC to R2R and here because of their crazy guidelines and rules. A threat rule does not sound like a bad rule.

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I will post this:

What happened is between Eric and the BODs.

Eric made a post that broke the forum guidelines and resulted in an immediate and permenant ban from this site. Yes please read the forum rules they are important and we, the BOD, will enforce them it is our job.


Eric did bring both good and bad.


Share the Love (might not have started it but he did really get it rolling)

GOC (members love this friendly competition)



GOC (since Eric got donations- some of his connections do not want to deal with us now. Asking why 2 different people are asking on behalf of PNWMAS. I have to ask that all members please do not do this it is my job as the VR Officer, please contact me I will help out)

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i look at it this way get what is owed to him, yes what happened happened good or bad. You put your money in and lets see if you dont like it if you dont get out of it what you were promased. The grow out was among members not the board and it wasnt said if your kicked off the site your out of the grow out try to find out what he wants and see if the growers can get it to him and then move on. I never personly did buisness with him but that is beside the point look at it from a new comer or a person looking at at joining the site.

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Regardless of the problems and such that Eric has brought, I think it's worth noting that he arguably did more for this forum then any one other member ever has. Maybe some of you forgot that he is the one who got the GOC off the ground and spent his time and money to keep it going. This also brought in many members just to join in on those games. He rounded up prizes and worked as damage control between parties involved(few know of this). He also helped out a lot in these group buy grow outs too. If you'll notice their is a reason his name is on the first post. Some of the buys were through his connections that they were even possible. Let's not forget the "share the love" either. Moto may have done it first, but Eric took it to the whole next level. How much did he give away to try to promote the idea. Anyone who has won something through "share the love" has been directly effected in a positive way by Eric's good intentions in getting it going. I don't know if you could find one person on this forum that bought coral from him and didn't walk out with something extra(many times 4 or 5 extras). So I think he deserves the corals he paid for and much much much more. Matter of fact, the only thing he didn't deserve was how his punishment was handed to him. If you want to discuss that further PM me and I'll be glad to enlighten you.;)



It's easy to forget the good and dwell on the bad. I know many of you see Eric in your own way and nothing will change that but lets give it a rest until you've done as much for this club as he has. Then you can be the one to stone him to death.(torch)(torch)(jail)(torch)(torch)(gavel)


My first day back from the ban and I see this post. Brandon I have met you and I think you are a great guy but I do have to say that you turn a blind eye to your friend Eric. I suposse that's what we do with friends. I have to say seeing your post that Eric did not deserve a lifetime ban honestly makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not going to go into all the details but he did threaten physical violence towards me and the board does have what he said. I have zero tolerance for this and agree the board should have zero tolerance for this as well. There is never any excuse for physical violence or such threats of a grown man towards a woman, and I honestly ,from the tone of his post, would not feel safe with Eric in the same room as me. Brandon you also know this was not Eric's first, second , or even third offense. While Eric has a personal issue with me, it has never been personal of me for him until he threatened physical violence.


I did go back and forth for a long time and weigh the good and bad with Eric and over time came to the conclusion that bad started outweighing any of the good. I also would disagree that he has done more for this forum than any other member. There are a lot of members who have done so much behind the scenes work and so much for this forum who are not inclined to blow their own horn. Our website would not be up and running so quickly again if it were not for Grassi and Chief. The share the love was Moto's idea and one that came from other forums. I will not go into detail about the bad as I do not believe this is helpful. What has been done is done.


Eric became increasingly upset because I continue to post an opposing opinion in his threads but when I see things that are not good for the hobby or are pose a possible safety issue I feel like I need to say something. The board has told me to just report it but the problem with that is that people have already seen what he has said whether he deletes it or the thread is moved. There are young hobbiests in this forum and the most recent thread that was pulled I found offensive because on Christmas day he was glorifying tracking down a lost/stolen phone by gps and going to a perfect stranger's house and staking it out. I did not insult his ailing grandfather like he acusses me of. I would never do that. I simply said I thought it was sad that instead of focusing on family and what really matters in my opinion he was more worried about retrieving a lost/stolen phone on Christmas day.



As far as the grow out zoas, I agree with you and Brad and told Beth (tanktop74) last night that I thought he was entitled to him as he did pay for them. I also don't think the board has any authority in this matter but I could be wrong. We really did not have any legal right to hold Mytshall's zoas either and the only reason I sold his nightmare frag was because he did the right thing and agreed to replace the zoas he had killed out of neglect (sorry to keep rehashing this Mytshall) There have been no contracts in these growouts and they have been a learning experience and in the future there will likely be more guidelines.

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As a newer member here I did notice his tone was IMO a bit out of line and have thought reading his posts that he needed to chill a bit. I never talked with him in any way but I was interested in hearing how his shark tank is going to turn out and will miss seeing updated pics of it. I have however, met Kim and seen her tanks and have gotten some info from her which I appreciate. In her posts that fall under the 'drama' category I feel though I feel have been fairly confrontational most have had a slight tongue in cheek tone. I don't know if the ban was justified or not as I am still new I don't think I'll miss any of his more mean spirited posts.


Still curious about the sharks though (scratch)

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Kim, I'm not going to disagree with the fact that he has clearly done enough to get banned in his time here. I've told him that more times then I can count. I don't want it to look like I am up in arms over the ban. I'm just a little upset with the boards inability to follow the very rules set by them. I was wondering if your ban was warranted also, but then found out you had been warned multiple times also which made that one valid. If we go by the logic that Eric was banned by then you could have been banned permanently also. Which would also be completely not right. Regardless of how many warnings Eric got for one thing or another. If you go by the rules that are posted and supposed to be followed, then he should have had the same punishment as you. A little reform usually goes a long way. If it doesn't then he would be gone the next time, and it would be by the rules that are laid out. Not by making choices on the fly that clearly go against those very rules. If Eric had 85 warnings, he still deserves a 72 hour ban as the next course of action. This is the boards fault for not enforcing the rules 84 other times when they had the chance(he wasn't warned 85 times though I hope(laugh)). I think he has done enough to warrant the ban, and I also think the board did too little at the appropriate times to jump to this conclusion now. You know me well enough I think to know that friend or not I'm gonna call it how I see it. That's why I worded it as I did. I wasn't trying to stand up for Eric getting away freely for what he did. I'm hoping to see the rules followed by the board as they are laid out. If the rules are in fact different and a permanent ban is possible at any moment without a 72 hour ban then the rules need to be changed to reflect that. This isn't the first time I've ran into this lately either. Does anyone else feel like this or am I crazy? Would you want your government changing the rules when it benefited there position to do so? I know this isn't government, but we have a group of people that have been voted in to uphold the constitution and by-laws of the club and so in a way it it very much the same thing. Is it too much to ask that things be done democratically?


DOH!Well, I've probably pissed them off now...lol Do we prefer I be lynched or crucified?(hitme)(gavel)



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Brandon I'm not sure what you were told but some of what you stated above is not true. I'm not going to go into it here publicly out of respect for the board. If you would like to know my side of things feel free to pm me.



Again Brandon I think you're a great guy and have no issue with you and I personally respect that are not afraid to voice your opinion.

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The punishments that were issued were for 2 totally different reasons. First Kim's punishment was issued for inappropriate comments and what could have been considered flaming towards Eric. Eric's ban was issued for a threat of physical harm against another member and other comments. Eric on more than one occasion made comments that should have banned him to only delete them and then publicaly brag that he had done it.


As far as your comment about the rules.


Your quote:

"If you go by the rules that are posted and supposed to be followed, then he should have had the same punishment as you. A little reform usually goes a long way. If it doesn't then he would be gone the next time, and it would be by the rules that are laid out. Not by making choices on the fly that clearly go against those very rules."



Under Article IV: Section 4 of the Consittution:

PNWMAS reserves the right to revoke the membership of any member due to conduct considered detrimental to this Club. This action shall be carried out by the majority vote of the Officers and Board of Directors.


This issue was dealt with entirely under the rules of the club. Not everything that comes up fits within the rules and with this issue that had come up this is how the board dealt with it. Under normal circumstances there is a sequence of events including a warning, 72hr ban, and even a permanent ban if necessary. Both of the punishments fall within those guidelines. While I do agree that the board has taken a more passive stance in regards to moderation and punishment in the past that is no more.



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