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Candy Cane not looking Good...What do you think


Candy Cane not looking Good...What do you think  

  1. 1.

    • Oh Yeah, they will make it, they are hardy corals, they are just pissed
    • OUCH! Yeah those suckers are gonners
    • They might make it, you have a 50/50 chance
    • You should have known better, Your an idiot for what you did!

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I honestly have been debating even posting this as it is so embarrassing, I pretty much have done EXACTLY what I should not have done, but was caulky and will be wearing the bullseye target of "I told you so, you should have known better" on my butt for a while, but since everyone is so nice here, I am hoping people won't chaulk me up as a complete retard (excuse my terminology, didn't mean to offed anyone, maybe I should have said mentally challenged)




This Candy Cane doesn't look very good to me, but for those who have experienced Candy Canes not looking good, do they ever come back from looking like this? Do you think this will be yet another casualty of my stupidity? DOH!


They where nice and plump before and have shrank down to what I can only describe as like vacum packed and dehydrated...does that make sense? They are still attempting to put out thier tenticles and I have tried feeding them, but havn't had much luck. Do you think they will bounce back? Do you think they will make the cycling process of the new tank?


I am so pissed at myself for doing what I did, but I honestly thought by adding the previous rock and sand from the previous tank it would not be such a huge shock, but I was very wrong. This is one of my favorite peices, that I got for The Coral Mafia and it was like 4-5 small heads, and now it has like 15-18 heads (counting the ones that are currently splitting) I really hate to see it in this condition, and really hope it makes the cycling process of the new tank. I thought I would post a poll to see what people thought, have you seen Candy Cane corals come back from almost death before?


This pic acutally makes them look better than what they really are, the pic was taken just a few minutes ago, I tried offering them food a few hours ago, and they actually seemed to fill out a bit, but not much, earlier they looked worse and more vacum packed against the skeleton.



And a Picture of some my other Candy Canes that I wish the green ones looked like....man I am such an IdiotDOH!


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I've had candy canes in the past that didn't look great but came back just fine. From what I understand you didn't take any cycled water to the new tank so it's probably just got way too many nutrients in the water column with nothing to suck it up yet. You might want to consider doing a water change with the water from your other tank to help cycle this tank faster and help your corals in the process.

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My neon green candy cane was one of my first frags and it's been through a lot as I was learning... they're pretty hardy. I think the best thing to do is keep your water quality pristine, and keep it in one place without messing with it. Then get it to spot feed if you can. Always brought mine back

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My neon green candy cane was one of my first frags and it's been through a lot as I was learning... they're pretty hardy. I think the best thing to do is keep your water quality pristine' date=' and keep it in one place without messing with it. Then get it to spot feed if you can. Always brought mine back[/quote']


I agree with this but I would also try low light. I have gotten candy canes that look way worse then this come back so you should have no issue.

try dipping them in CoralRX per instructions, and put them at the bottom of your tank. what lights are you running?

then what Polythene Pam said. leave them alone. glue them if you have to. the more they get knocked around the worse. spot feeding at night is very helpful also

let us know how they turn out.

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  • 1 month later...
Is that algae growing on it?


When the tissue receeded, algea started growing on the exposed skeleton, Slowly I am afraid it is dying, I have two other Candy Cane colonies, and both of them are doing the same thing, slowly dieing. I honestly don't know why, the paremeters all check out fine, Basically the only thing that is doing well are all the birdsnests and some soft corals.


So far duing this transition, I have lost all my SPS but the birdsnest, all my LPS are weithering away but a Duncan which is doing great, as for softies, most of my Zoanthids have melted but on the other hand, I have a frag of Magicians that are doing Awsome and popping out new heads left and right. Most of my soft corals are doing fine, Leather, GSP, Mushrooms are all fine....


I just added a frag of Bird of Paradise Birds Nest to see if it would make it, and sure enough, its doing AWESOME!! so for some reason I am only able to keep Soft Corals and Birds Nests...LOL I have about 5 different kinds, along with some Pocillipora (which is kinda birdsnest like) and they all seem to be doing ok....


I also recently added a small little green bubble coral frag that is about the size of a quarter, and its doing awesome...so I don't know why somethings are perishing and something are doing great...its really weird.


I just don't know what I am doing wrong, and hope to someday figure it out or have the tank stablize (whatever that means as my water all tests out ok)....I set this darn thing up to specifically do SPS....more than just birdsnest...lol

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Are you having any temperature fluctuations? I have the same candy canes and they receded and finally died but it was during the summer when we had a maristar light and the temperature got too hot. Then when we switched the lights to the sunpod we didn't have a heater and the water got too cold and that killed some more sps. Oh what fun.

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Are you having any temperature fluctuations? I have the same candy canes and they receded and finally died but it was during the summer when we had a maristar light and the temperature got too hot. Then when we switched the lights to the sunpod we didn't have a heater and the water got too cold and that killed some more sps. Oh what fun.


No, I check the temps pretty frequently, I have the heater set for 78.5 at night and during the day with the Halides and fans on it goes to 79.5...it never goes above 80 or below 78....the temp is something I check often, both in the tank and the sump temps...

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