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Share the love-high end pumps and ballasts-scrooge style

fly guy

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ok...not high end...and not perfect......but if someone can make use of them I have the following up for grabs


pcx-100 external pump- a little nappy with some rust on the housing but seems to run fine when plugged in dry. I have never actually used this thing. had it sitting around for a couple of years



dual PFO 400 w ballast-One side is dead for unknown reasons, other side works great. This thing is big and heavy for anyone unfamilar. You might need to rebuild your canopy in order to support the weight if thats where you plan on putting it


Icecap 250w ballast-has problem. Sometimes takes a couple tries to fire. Has been this way for over a year and I had it over a sump. Moral tot he story is I woudlnt trust it on a timer over a display as when it doesnt fire the first time...it needs unplugged and replugged back in in a few minutes. Can throw in a used bulb or two if you want them. reeflux 10k and radium 20k for choices


If patrick doesnt mind.....lol...I can drop this stuff at saltwater fantaseas for pick up later this week when I am in town.

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Fly guy-

Usually "share the love" is a drawing using the members that post "share the love" in this thread. If you wanna give it away for free that is something different and you would need to clarify that.


All these guys/gals are probably waiting for you to select a winner based on their interest.


Just wanted to make sure you understand that. Your last post made me think you didn't. HTH

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Just wanted to make sure you understand that. Your last post made me think you didn't. HTH



and you would be correct in that thinking haha



so does that mean the everyone who posted wants this stuff?? which stuff??




ok.....new rule......you have to post SOMETHING that makes me smile, chuckle or laugh out loud......and post what the heck you want please


I suppose at this point, cellowwithgills gets his pick based on his James Brown response :)

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Maybe pick 3 members and have them choose what they want you just choose who gets first choice!




nah....I already butchered the concept.......and not necessarily everyone can make good use of everything posted


cellow gets first pick...then crapboy..........then for wahtever is left somebody is gonna have to post soemthing at least slightly humorous :D

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