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Yes its Guess The Fish and then I'll share the love. No Share the love does not count in this thread, sorry. "that means brad can play" ;)


I just took a stock count from my tanks.


Your task if you so choose to accept...Guess how many Fish I currently have inhabiting my tanks as of this posting. If you guess right you win a prize. There will be 4 prizes available and up to three winners. You can only post one final answer, you can change your answer by editing your post or posting another number but your final post will be your final answer. If you are the first person to guess the exact number you will win instantly. If nobody guesses correctly then there will only be one winner that comes the closest without going over the exact amount. In the event of a tie guess the first to post the guess will be the winner. But up to three exact guesses will be instant winners each. Only one prize per person. You can conspire against each other, help each other or just be an innocent bystander...Obviously if you've seen my tanks you will have a distinct advantage, sorry nobody said life was fair. Does that make sense? Because i got lost after the first sentance. oh well, here are the prizes. I will post pics of my tanks through out the contest. the contest will end tuesday night whenever i feel like ending it. Good luck.


Prize 1

Zoanthid - 5+ polyp frag of Agent Orange.



Prize 2

Green Scoly



Prize 3 & 4 are in same pic but separate prizes.

(To win a clam you must have adequate lighting)

3" purple rim plate coral & 3" maxima clam of "Reefit's choosing"




If I catch anyone over at my house counting my fish, i may just have to get mad and kick you out. LOL

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