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Anyone know about zoa infections?


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Is it that they are turning yellow and dying or that the pods eat them? You could treat with interceptor to get rid of the pods. Not sure if it would help.


The pods just speed up the process. Otherwise they close, turn yellow/brown, then after a few days are completely gone with the absence of pods.

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since the erythromiacin isn't having any effect.

Antibiotics don't act instantly, it takes a few days to get working, just like when you have a sinus infection and treat. It doesn't go away just like that! Be sure to keep up with the prescribed time so you don't end up with a resistant strain. My thought is if nothing changes after 4 days, you might try another med for gram negative bacteria. What I've been reading lately is most fish diseases are gram negative, I just wonder if that follows to corals too. Tri Sulfa works for both types of bacteria. The thread I posted last night has a lot of info on different types of meds.

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Thanks for the info Ron. I dosed the erythromiacin again last night skipping the WC. I'll do the 25% WC tonight, i wanted to get as much med in the water and to the zoos as possible. It doesn't seem to completely dissolve into the water, some stays on the bottom of the tank. I'm gonna keep up this treatment and possibly get another tank, move some of the zoos into it and treat with another med if i don't see improvments.

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It doesn't seem to completely dissolve into the water' date=' some stays on the bottom of the tank.[/quote']

Put a powerhead in there to keep everything disolved and moving around to the zoas. If its sitting on the bottom, that med is doing no good and therefore just decreasing your dosage.


Anyone heard of Furan-2? Apparently its being used as a dip to rid zoas of those pock marks. I wonder what the active med is in this stuff.

Each capsule of Furan-2 contains 60mg nitrofurazone, 25mg furazolidone and 2mg methylene blue trihydrate.


Funny side note: I stumped my pharmacist today asking about triple Sulfate and what freezing does to it (put in food to feed to fish).....I gave away all my med books years ago so can't look it up. I told him what it was for and he persisted in looking it up. No info, but he wants to find the answer and call me back.....talk about Bi Mart's customer service!

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I have a small PH and an MJ mod in there so its getting good flow. Yes i even use a modded MJ250! LOL


So here are some pics of the decaying zoos. I just don't know what to do at this point.


Maybe these will help. Now i'm not so sure they turn yellow. It seems that the flesh becomes clean and you can see the colored skirt under it. Then it decays or whatever and it melts away.









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I've found most of the meds at Petsmart, but the Clack store changed recently and don't have the carded pills, but call around. I didn't look for Furan2 though, was after triple sulfa myself. Only one I've found for Furan2 retail is by API( Aquarium Pharmaceuticals). DRs. Fost has bottle of 100, others are cards with a few pills. You might call Patrick to see what he has in bulk that you might be able to buy from him.


With digging for and mixing meds, many do have a shelf life that does matter for effectiveness, and combined with mixing meds, your just asking for something to end up being drug resistant and then you're really screwed. Just think if one microscopic bacteria lingers behind that you've trained to withstand any drug you can throw at it, gets back into your display, grows and never goes away.

If this subject is unfamiliar, read up! (the exact same thing can happen to people as well as fish, and logically in my eyes follows to corals) Maybe DennisW can speak up here if he's following your thread.



The USPDI will have the most complete detailed info about drugs that you will find, but you cand find a lot of by Googleing. (The library may have the 8" thick book in their reference section too) I never thought I'd use that $300ish book again and gave it to Goodwill years ago. DOH!

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Yah i found most of my meds are REALLY old and won't do anything. Plus i might have some positive news to report! In the last pic i posted you can see the brown polyp, second from the left, just above the far left polyp. That one is in the declining stage, but today i see some of the skirt showing! Something that doesn't normally happen. Check out the pic



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I dont know bud im more inclined to think it may just be somthin about your new setup your zoo's dont like if this is a form of bacteria you would of had to pick up from somone else. Im more inclined to think it just somthin water wise in your display there not likeing not sure but maybe your new system is so nutrient void some arnt doing well then inturn get this like any other coral that arnt happy with water param's they eventual succumb to stress.

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Well the stressed ones are in QT now. None of the rest of my zoas are showing these signs.


I am gonna keep up with the current proceedure. I think i'm seeing some positive signs. The problems is definately slowing. And i think that polyp in that picture is a great sign. We shall see!

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Miles, I'd be happy to put one of the colonies into my 20H and see what happens!


I've has zoas decline in my 120 for some reason (too new?), except the "Armor of God" polyps. The declining colonies have all recovered in the 20H.

It starts out with polyps not opening anymore, and then they slowly melt away.

How are the nitrates in your new tank. My 120 still has some nitrates and I wonder if that's the problem for the zoas.

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I do have 2 colonies in there and some brown polyps.


But I could transfer the 2 to the 120G and see if they like it better in there now, and then there'd only be the brown polyps in the 20H.


The zoas always do fine for a couple of weeks in the 120, so it would be okay.




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Ok well did a 50% WC on the QT and my first treatment with Furan-2. All the zoos are closed up currently.


Furan-2 instructions say to dose 1 packet per 10gal and repeat after 24 hours. Do 3 doses and change 25% water, repeat as needed. I used 1 packet in 1.5 cups of RO water. Dipped for 20min, rinsed and put them in the QT. I will see how they look tonight after work and do another dip.

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