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Hey so I havnt posted much on here, recently moved to oregon, had a 110 glass aquarium back in Co, and just recently got a 90g Hex Acrylic tank. It is amazing, great size, will be an awesome display, but have a few (donsens) of questions. So here goes:


My last tank had a built in overflow, this one doesnt, i understand bulkheads ect, but want suggestions as to the best way to drill, and set up a draining system. The stand with it is horrible space wise, and ive never been a huge fan of cramming a supm/fuge underneath, so i will be building on into a Decons Bench that will sit next to the tank. So main question is what do i need to build in the tank for the draining, a barrier wall? or is there an easier way?


Next. I was looking at how i should return the water. My last tank i was going to add a Squid(its an acronym i think) where it rotates water from one side to another, im sure you know what im talking about. Is it safe to use one on the return line from the sump? I was planning on building pvc bar to run along the back of the tank, do holes just drilled in Pvc work ok as exits? or is there a better way?


Next(hope some people like questions) I have 2 400w MH. Im thinking it should be enough light, but not sure how high off the water they need to be. There isnt a canope so im going to build one, but wondering how high i should mount the lights. Also where is a good place to buy reflectors? Its kind of an odd shape so im going to need an odd kind of reflector, any ideas?


Last (for now im sure) Im going to build a fuge/sump. Like i said it will be inside of a bench next to the tank. So im looking for like a 33g tank, or i think the long narrow tanks are 33g, as well as a place to have glass cut. The last sump that i built i had amazing sucess with, but will make a few modifiations that i missed last time. So if anyone has a tank thats longer then 2 feet and looking to get rid of it let me know, or knows a place that sells used tanks ect. I have a PC light i will attach to the lid of the bench, then will drill holes for tube/pipeing to come in and out. All in all im excited for how simple it will be to make water changes, add water ect.


Im headed downt o salem tomorrow to run some erands, and will prob be stopping by at least of the two stores i saw on the list in salem. Any suggestions on which one? Lookin for someone who i may be able to ask some of the above questions and talk plumbing. Other then that i will post some pics up when i can, but hopin i could get a few questions answered.


Oh yea, whats the going rate for Live rock around here? or anyone planning on paerting a system out in the near future? =p thanks again guys




Hey so I havnt posted much on here, recently moved to oregon, had a 110 glass aquarium back in Co, and just recently got a 90g Hex Acrylic tank. It is amazing, great size, will be an awesome display, but have a few (donsens) of questions. So here goes:


My last tank had a built in overflow, this one doesnt, i understand bulkheads ect, but want suggestions as to the best way to drill, and set up a draining system. The stand with it is horrible space wise, and ive never been a huge fan of cramming a supm/fuge underneath, so i will be building on into a Decons Bench that will sit next to the tank. So main question is what do i need to build in the tank for the draining, a barrier wall? or is there an easier way?


Well, all you need to do is drill a couple of holes into the "back" of the tank (any hole saw will do, Joel at Waves loans one out) and put the corrisponding bulk head in the hole and add a strainer to it (make sure that the bulk head has inside threads and the strainer has threads this will allow you to take the strainer off and clean it easier and better...You will probably have to buy that strainer and bulk head from the internet, the only local store I know that has those bulk heads is woody at seahorse)...you will then just run pvc to the sump


Next. I was looking at how i should return the water. My last tank i was going to add a Squid(its an acronym i think) where it rotates water from one side to another, im sure you know what im talking about. Is it safe to use one on the return line from the sump? I was planning on building pvc bar to run along the back of the tank, do holes just drilled in Pvc work ok as exits? or is there a better way?


I would not waste time or money on the squid, I would go with an OM, they are an amazing device and way better then the stupid sqwd could dream of being...a little more money, but they are worth it... http://www.oceansmotions.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=32&osCsid=3acd7c4c7fe36d961da707a882dbf674 Holes in the PVC will be fine, just add alot...


Next(hope some people like questions) I have 2 400w MH. Im thinking it should be enough light, but not sure how high off the water they need to be. There isnt a canope so im going to build one, but wondering how high i should mount the lights. Also where is a good place to buy reflectors? Its kind of an odd shape so im going to need an odd kind of reflector, any ideas?


Safe bet is 12" off the water would be good for those, there are lots of places, I would start with www.marinedepot.com or www.customaquatic.com


Last (for now im sure) Im going to build a fuge/sump. Like i said it will be inside of a bench next to the tank. So im looking for like a 33g tank, or i think the long narrow tanks are 33g, as well as a place to have glass cut. The last sump that i built i had amazing sucess with, but will make a few modifiations that i missed last time. So if anyone has a tank thats longer then 2 feet and looking to get rid of it let me know, or knows a place that sells used tanks ect. I have a PC light i will attach to the lid of the bench, then will drill holes for tube/pipeing to come in and out. All in all im excited for how simple it will be to make water changes, add water ect.



Im headed downt o salem tomorrow to run some erands, and will prob be stopping by at least of the two stores i saw on the list in salem. Any suggestions on which one? Lookin for someone who i may be able to ask some of the above questions and talk plumbing. Other then that i will post some pics up when i can, but hopin i could get a few questions answered.


Oh yea, whats the going rate for Live rock around here? or anyone planning on paerting a system out in the near future? =p thanks again guys


I have 150lbs of fully cured rock for sale, it is sitting in a huge tub of heated water and a couple of power heads...PM me, I am looking to get rid of it...




Welcome to the site!!!


Brandon covered it pretty well. I agree on ditching the scwd, they rob A LOT of flow. I used one with a mag9.5 return and i'd say it cut the flow in half.



If you are feeling brave you could do an external overflow, that way you wouldn't take up any real estate in that hex tank, i know room is limited in there. Otherwise drilling a hole and using an external durso setup is your best bet.


yea ive done the HoB overflow and really didnt like it. To much headache, i think i have the basic idea, but will talk more and post pics before i drill anything. Im headed down to salem today and am gonan hit up 2 of the LFS down there, the one on lancaster, and the one down off market street. Then am gonna hit up home depot and start some plumbing ideas, and look at makin the hood. I'm contemplateing whether to do 12 or 18 inch high hood, and favoring the 18 inch more and more. But still wondering how im gonna make it so i can reach in there if needed. Anyway thanks for the replies. Still lookin for a sump tank!




One other thing...If you do the spray bar thing...You will need a check valve or two inline with the plumbing, if not, when your power goes out, the spray bar will reverse siphon all the water into tank...That is of course if you put it on the bottom inside of the tank. If you it at the top of the tank, you should be ok.

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