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It's on a very small frag so I am sure that I could easily use a chisel and break the piece off that has it on it. But I do like peppermint shrimp what else do they eat cause their is not enough aptasisa to keep him busy for more than a day.

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You can also just use straight calcium from a 2 or 3 part part calcium system and shoot it with that or mix up some Kalkwasser with a little water. (If you want to use Kalk and need some I can give you a cup or so of it) Works just like the Joes Juice. If you can chisel a chunk of the rock off it's even better however be sure you can get it all as they are often down inside holes that go into the rock aways.


Peppermint shrimp work good as long as what you get are true peppermint (many times they are not as it's really hard to tell the difference between them. Somewhere there is an article that details what to look for however even knowing the difference it's still hard. Also they usually only work for smaller ones and will usually not eat it if they can find other stuff to eat instead including tube worms if you have any. (They are scavengers and will eat just about anything)

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Re: Aptasia?


Peppermints are a waste of time and money....I have 2 peppermints and you know what? My aptasia is still growing strong and getting bigger....my hammer on the other hand is once again being fed on by the peppermints.....I did get rid of one last night though....took his shedding outta the tank and pulled him out....wrasse had him in pieces in no time....


One down....one to go


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

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People....I have tried everything for years...1)peppermints (true peppermints)--they did nothing 2) Copperbands--wouldn't eat and died x 2

3) Joe's Juice 4) Boiling water 5) Lemon juice 6) Burning rock 7) Kalk paste 8) Drano 9) Vinegar 10) Aiptasia x 11) Berghia nudibranches




These fish are amazing! I have had 3 over the years...practically bulletproof--they minorly pick at corals for couple days...by then they are eating anything you feed them...they ignore all other fish and inverts--constantly patrol for food...


At one point 3 years ago, I had over 500 aiptasia in my 135, I was treating with above treatments 2-3x weekly but there were always more the next day...ready to throw in the towel...got a Klein's--within 5 days, they were all gone...!!!!! They work mainly at night...inexpensive fish and not horrible to look at...



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People....I have tried everything for years...1)peppermints (true peppermints)--they did nothing 2) Copperbands--wouldn't eat and died x 2

3) Joe's Juice 4) Boiling water 5) Lemon juice 6) Burning rock 7) Kalk paste 8) Drano 9) Vinegar 10) Aiptasia x 11) Berghia nudibranches




These fish are amazing! I have had 3 over the years...practically bulletproof--they minorly pick at corals for couple days...by then they are eating anything you feed them...they ignore all other fish and inverts--constantly patrol for food...


At one point 3 years ago, I had over 500 aiptasia in my 135, I was treating with above treatments 2-3x weekly but there were always more the next day...ready to throw in the towel...got a Klein's--within 5 days, they were all gone...!!!!! They work mainly at night...inexpensive fish and not horrible to look at...




Good to know, although i do have to say i have a peppermint den of horror. i stick my frag plugs that come in with little aiptaisia on them in front of the den of horror and its gone the next morning. :) peps won't go after the big ones though.

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