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I run a PM XL on my reef and my pci70 just went t!ts up on me. i need to replace the pump so I can go buy one or I do have a sequence dart am not using.


The problem with the dart is two fold one its not pressure rated, but it does move three times the water then the pci 70 and two the bulkhead feeding the pci70 is smaller then the dart intake so if i did swap them the dart would have a reduce intake feed ingthe pump. Any comments?


Guest Mbeef61

i just wouldnt want to run it restricted...maybe you can trade it to someone...or use it in a different way.


I think the back pressure that the beckett would cause would not harm the pump.

I am worried that the current bulkhead is one inch put in place for the pci pump and the darts intake is 1.5 or 2 inches. I cannot replace the bulkhead it would be to large of a project.

So I wounder how hard the restricted intake is on the pump?


You can restrict them down to 400gph, and as long as the output has a higher restriction than the input it will work great.


I ran one with 1" input and 3/4" output after speaking with Chris at Sequence. Its actually less work and easier on the pump because it allows the impeller to spin "freely".

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