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I have been thinking a lot about how as we advance our hobby through new technology (exp. protien skimmers, RODI water, UV sterilizers, additives, lighting) we in effect widen the gap between those who can and can't afford to maintain a saltwater aquarium. This train of thought led me to questions like "which of these technology's are essential to keeping marine life alive". This is when I went bat !@#$ crazy and asked myself "if you can keep a tropical fish like a betta alive in a goldfish bowl why not nemo". So without any further ado I give you a 2.5 pico reef unplugged.













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Looks good, but I think you are going to run in to problems with the sand and rock. Most "betta"/"goldfish" bowls are bare bottom with plastic deco. I think the rock/sand will over time build up waste, or more time will have to be spent cleaning.

The time spent cleaning the rock/sand may be worth the trade off in having a saltwater fish.

The other problem I see is making 2.5gal of saltwater every day, is it worth the time?

(for me yes, others maybe maybe not)

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Looks good, but I think you are going to run in to problems with the sand and rock. Most "betta"/"goldfish" bowls are bare bottom with plastic deco. I think the rock/sand will over time build up waste, or more time will have to be spent cleaning.

The time spent cleaning the rock/sand may be worth the trade off in having a saltwater fish.

The other problem I see is making 2.5gal of saltwater every day, is it worth the time?

(for me yes, others maybe maybe not)


I plan on using a gravel vac once weekly. At only about 1 gallon or less a week buying pre mixed doesn't seem half bad. (naughty) With ought the fish I may never even need a water change. My only fear is that if something does go wrong its gonna be really bad and happen really fast. (scary)

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Epic fail!!! At least I had not added any fish LOL. I had placed the tank in direct sunlight, my thought was I would be able to grow coral, but no way, at least not without a chiller. The tank was at least 90 degrees by 4:00 when I got home eek!!! I have moved the tank to the window sill next to the AC unit. It will only get indirect light now so photosynthetic corals are out :-( I still see bristle worms moving around in there so everything is not dead on the rock, at least not yet.

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looks good

what kind of fish is that?


I'm not sure, it was the smallest damsel at the LFS. He's not very colorful but my son loves him, he named him spot. I had planed on getting something more colorful but now I might be stuck with him LOL DOH!

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FYI' date=' keep an eye on that caulerpa. i had to tear a bunch out of my biocube because it just decided to melt all the sudden and once it establishes a root system, good luck removing it ever.[/quote']


I think I will take it out now that I have a pump to break the surface tension. I had originally hoped it would help to oxygenate the water.

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I think I will take it out now that I have a pump to break the surface tension. I had originally hoped it would help to oxygenate the water.



it would end up being more of a problem in that small of a tank than it was helpful, IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I had to add this little fan because with the light the temp was getting up to 87 but now it gets down to 76 so I have to turn it on off on off LOL. It was an easy fix though and only cost 6.99 at Target. The tang is doing great and eating as much as I will feed :-) She has stated "hosting" the xenia? Oh ya and I added some zoa (purple deaths and Armageddons)They weren't getting enough light in the 125 hopefully they color up again. DSC_4721.jpgDSC_4697.jpgDSC_4695.jpgDSC_4694.jpgDSC_4693.jpgDSC_4689.jpgDSC_4685.jpgDSC_4679.jpgDSC_4652.jpgDSC_4651.jpg

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