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CA2OR Zoa Grow Out Competition


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So...how about another zoanthid grow out competition? This is not the official grow out, but one that CA2OR Corals would be running. Same concept as the others, but I would be allowed to be far more selective over the prizes this way as well as the colonies as we wont necessarily be relying on donations. I will not reject any donations from other sponsors should they want to take part in this but it isn't required.


I am still participating in the official GOC but this one is seperate.


So, $10 to get in....paypal to ca2orcorals@GMAIL.COM and please include your PNWMAS username. I would like to kick this off maybe in mid August. EVERYONE WILL get their frags on the same day from the same colony. The colony has been sitting in my system for 2 weeks already and is doing great.


Everyone will get a equal frag of Eye of Ra zoanthids. They are a bit faded in the pic's but coloring up very quickly and seem very promising.




Same rules as I have used in the past....



Rules and Guidelines.

Simple rules to follow:

1. Winners must do a quick writeup of their system on the competition thread in the beginning. eg. size, flow, light, placement of the zoos, coral food, fish, etc to accompany your initial photo update.

2. You will be required to post photo updates. A thread will be started everytime photo updates are required (about once a month) where you will post your updates. Sufficient time will be allowed for those on vacation or whatever.

3. Must have access to a camera to show proof of their coral in 3 months and on updates.

4. No cheating. Cheaters will be banned from current and future competitions!!!

5. If there was a tie, you guys can split the prize. See guidelines for more information.


Not following the rules can cause you to be disqualified and sorry no money back.



1. Pieces used for grow out. As mentioned above there would be an issue with acclimation. Colonies will be purchased or donated from a store. No matter whether or not you already have some of what we are starting with you should have to use some from the same colony as everyone else involved.


2. Delivery of frag pieces. Contest frags will be ship the day before so everyone gets their pieces on the same day. All remaining pieces of the colony would be sold, given away to GOC contestants only, offered as an addition to say the 3rd place prize, or donated to Tanks for Teachers or the club for upcomming events. If sold the proceeds would be applied to prize pieces, colonies, and shipping, which will be addressed later.


3. Timespan of competition. The competition will run for 3 months. This will give EVERYONE the same advantage\disadvantage with acclimation and so on. Pictures will be required frequently for updates. Cheaters will be banned from current and future competitions, posting frequent pic's should discourage any cheating as all will be able to see and speak up if need be.


4. Shipping. If we have long distance competitors we could ship to a agreed upon individual and all those local to them can pick up from there.


5. Entry Fee. Entry fee will be $10 to ca2orcorals@GMAIL.COM. As stated before, the entry fee will pay for colonies, prize pieces, and so on. Any left over entry money and money from the sale of polyps not used in competition, a small percentage will be taken out for time, frag plugs, glue, and so on and the rest to go right back into the next competitions pieces and colonies as this will only improve the quality and caliber of these pieces and the competition itself. A list of all involved will be posted on the thread for the grow out when it starts so all know who is involved and can get an idea of the money brought in so all is content with that as well. Honesty is going to be key all the way around in this competition. Entry is limited to 2 per household.


6. Picking grow out colonies. The point of the original competition is hoping to cover all kinds of corals ranging from softies, LPS, there is currently an SPS competition, and so on. Corals used may sometimes be put up for a vote to give the contestants a voice in the upcomming competition.


7. Sponsor interaction with the competition. If other sponsors involved in the competition want to also participate with thier personal\home tanks or with prize donations that should be accepted and encouraged. As most of you know several sponsors are also owners of personal tanks.


8. Determining winner. Winner should be based off polyp count. IF THERE IS A TIE, the contestants would split the prize and an extra or 2 may be thrown in. Same with second and third. Should there be a tie between more than 2 contestants, pictures will be posted (without names to prevent favoritism) for a vote, kind of like the pic of the month, based on development, color, and so on.


9. Prizes. Prizes may range from corals not necessarily related to the grow out pieces, could be monti's, chalices, acans, etc. As well as gift certificates, equipment, supplements, fish, inverts, and anything else reef related.


The goal of this competition covers a couple different paths. First, it will provide a variety of corals to all involved. Second, it will provide information regarding the best system configurations, feeding, what have you, to obtain maximum results in growth for the species used. Third, prizes....duh. Forth Hopefully generate some more interest in our sponsors.


Overall this competition is all about fun, prizes, and bragging rights of course.:DIf there are modifications to start date a post will be made in this thread and a PM will be sent to contestants.





Prizes will be added as will images but here is what they are so far....


Golden Torch



10 polyp frag of Mohawks



5 polyp frag of No Turning Back



5 polyp frag of Mezmerizing Zoa's



5 polyp frag of Forget me Not





5 polyp frag of AOI's



5 polyp frag of Blasing Blossums



5 polyp frag of Cherry Coke



5 polyp frag of Goldrush



More prizes to be announced. There are only enough frags for about 40 contestants....if there are more interested parties we may have to switch to Devils Eye's....winners will get their choice of prizes in the order they have placed. We will start off with no less than 1st, 2nd, and 3rd but hope to add 5th and 6th plus random give aways during the competition.





1. Toddcarpenter

2. Wegotjs

3. Coralcrazy

4. Sharoleb

5. Rgrcrain

6. Pitaloo

7. Reefnjunkie

8. Moto826

9. Dee77

10. Lewisriverfisherman

11. Reefit

12. Jackaninny

13. Toxicpoison

14. Mr S

15. Noobtosalt

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Re: Zoanthid Grow Out Competition


Will announce cut off as the spots fill....but the latest I will start this is Sep 1 so cut off will be no later than Aug 15th....but if the spots fill then it may be much sooner



More prizes to be added including some Chalices and Acans...plus all posted polyp or size counts are as they currently are or arrive....what they grow to will be different but they will not be fragged before so they should be much larger...I will post final updates just before end so winners can choose


Sent from my Droid

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