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Forum holds two functions

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We all have different reasons that we come here to this or other forums, education, classifieds, off topic mental purging etc. For me lately, you have all been an escape to things and topics that have stabilized my life lately and I thank you! My wife and I have been traveling to Sandiego frequently to see her family, her grandpa especially, he was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and is in the " may go at anytime" stage. I find myself here a lot when she needs some alone time or is chatting with family and friends on facebook. I have been unemployed now for 6 months and find myself surfing around here a lot between job searches. It just breaks up the cruddy times with humor and things I didn't know and some that I did. My Dad was just emitted into emergency surgery today here in Everett and has been in an induced coma since 5am Friday. Just getting back from Sandiego,looking for work and now driven north to spend an evening and most of a weekend praying for his recovery, I find a place here that feels good and takes the mind of off a lot of things in ones life. I just wanted to thank you all here at PNWMAS for your posts,bumps,pm's and humor! And Kim, we don't need a poll on how far someone has drivin in 7 days....I think I would win.

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Please share my support with your wife. I lost both of my parents in the last 7 years. It is difficult at best. I feel the pain your family is going through. I am glad that we can be a joy and a distraction from life.



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Jon, my thoughts are with you and your family in this time of bad circumstances. If you need a place to stay in the Everett area, let me know, I have close family there and they would be willing to give you a place to rest your feet.



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Thank you all for your words. Its been rough.

Bob, appreciate the offer,but in an emergency situation my wife and I grabbed both 90lb hounds. The 1st night we took naps in the parking lot with them in the 4runner. We are just taking it hour by hour. It was 75 degrees up here today! Summers comming!

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Re: Forum holds two functions


Jon, please accept my heartfelt condolances in this challenging time. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope that your time here on the forums gives you some peace. We are all behind you, and please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything.

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Jon, sorry to hear about your father and your wife's grandfather. I'll try to refrain from putting up a poll! I did finally meet your tango partner, Franklin today. I hope to someday meet you too.


Glad my humor is appreciated or maybe you weren't talking about me.:p


I promise you I wont put up another poll for at least a few days but I'm so close to the wonderful whale status!;)

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This is what my daughters and I say to each other and text to each other.


Stands for Good Blessings over you.


Almost 30 years ago when my husband and I just got married, he left for basic training. Every night I would pray for him. It took me an hour to say my prayers for him. I prayed for so many things because I was afraid if I didnt say it, that would be the one thing that happened to him. Finally after a week of this, I said my prayers and I told God that from now on when I say Good Blessing Over You, it meant everything I had just prayed for. I told my daughters this many years later, and now we say it to each other knowing it means whole lot.


When I hear an ambulance go by I will say "GBOY to whoever needs it". Not many ppl know about our little prayer, but when I read what your going through I felt I needed to tell you.


So to you and your family.. GBOY



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I'm so very sorry, I wish you both and your family the best. With out this forum I would never have met you guys, You are wonderful people! If there is anything that you guys need, do not hesitate to call or text.


Hoping everything turns out ok.

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ditto. Franklin and Bob know how to get ahold of me. If you need anything ask. I go to my Mom's every other weekend to help her out since my Dad passed. I drive through Eugene and it is not an inconvenience. Let me know if you ever need anything. Also if you ever need anyone to put Franklin in his place I can use my middle school Jedi mind tricks on him. He has been exposed to my wit yesterday so he knows what I am capable of!!

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Thank you all for your prayers,thoughts and words. Thank you Roger for the Jedi tricks, I may take a rain check on that one! Yes kim, you kill it with humor,thanks

On a positive note, he has stabilized. Not breathing on his own yet,but will.

My wife and the dogs left tonight for home. Its raining again in Everett,so much for the sunny day yesterday and the love seat in the room is just slightly more comfy than the dog beds in the 4runner,but shorter.

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