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3 weeks and soon to be 3 polyps


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I was stoked today to see 2 new polyps coming in on the Red Hornet that when I caught it partly open...my wife thinks she see's 3 coming in but I think she's crazy....but it's 2 for sure. I do believe this target feeding thing works.....now if I could just get the PH's to color up and take off I would really be happy.....on top of all this I found out for sure that I have 2 tigertails now....


So question....am I tripping or are there 2 new ones coming?


Second question, is anyone else target feeding zoa's and getting results?


Third question, regarding the cucumber, how long after they split are they healed?


Last question, if you are target feeding and getting results what are you feeding?



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I am a little crazy with the target feeding(nutty). I mix oyster feast, cyclopeze, brine, arctipods (more for the mandarin) in a cup to feed the fish and corals.


A few months ago I started squirting this food directly at the mango zoas (ones in Beth's avatar) nothing else just to see what would happen and didn't tell Beth and she commented "Wow those Mango zoas are really growing fast!"


Had to cut back on the target feeding to every other day though because it was making too much algae!

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Re: 3 weeks and soon to be 3 polyps


I initially had an algae issue too but an increase in CUC helped....has the growth rate slowed since you cut back feeding? I only target this guy like every third day but am considering increasing the frequency to everyother...


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yes Target feeding makes a difference as Emerald just said above. Besides the mango growth, I have a new PPE that just popped out and looks like my RPE will have 2-3 babies any day now. I have had the PPE about a month and the RPE between 1-2 months. I think that is pretty good growth for them.


BTW I will have to agree your wife..... I too see 3 sprouts off that RH!

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I initially had an algae issue too but an increase in CUC helped....has the growth rate slowed since you cut back feeding? I only target this guy like every third day but am considering increasing the frequency to everyother...


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We just decided to cut back to every other day this week so I couldn't tell you right now.(laugh)


I just enjoy target feeding everything. It's fun to watch everything take up food. The cleaner shrimps get some of it. The scollies are my favorite thing to feed.


There is no doubt in my mind it makes the zoas grow faster just with my mini mango experiment.

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Re: 3 weeks and soon to be 3 polyps


BTW I will have to agree your wife..... I too see 3 sprouts off that RH!


Ugh...guess I owe someone a backrub...shoulda looked better...this is horrible....and you woulda thought it woulda been me with the wishful thinking eye to think I see more than what is there....not less....I am never going to hear the end of this...


You have been target feeding your PPE and RPE's? For how long?


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Re: 3 weeks and soon to be 3 polyps


We just decided to cut back to every other day this week so I couldn't tell you right now.(laugh)


I just enjoy target feeding everything. It's fun to watch everything take up food. The cleaner shrimps get some of it. The scollies are my favorite thing to feed.


There is no doubt in my mind it makes the zoas grow faster just with my mini mango experiment.

I am interested to see if there is a difference in growth rate....could you keep me posted? I do know that target feeding polyps everyday can have a detremental effect, from my experiment anyway, as it seems we need to provide "digestion" time....I have also noticed that changes in the recipe for the food has made some decent impacts as well


I must admit....I love feeding the Dendro and others...but the fungia is the wierdest to watch....



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Ugh...guess I owe someone a backrub...shoulda looked better...


You have been target feeding your PPE and RPE's? For how long?


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I (ok Emerald) has been target feeding them for less than a month, about 3.5 weeks now.


Yep your wife needs a foot and back rub, shes pregnant and deserves it! LOL

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Re: 3 weeks and soon to be 3 polyps


Here we go....come on now...I hear this everyday....not that it isn't deserved because in all honesty it is but I have no idea how much ice cream I have bought in the last 2 weeks and back rubs I have given...but I know it exceeds what I have spent on my tank....between that and my poor judgement on bets lately is costing me dearly....not to mention I am loosing feeling in my fingers...


Anybody want a big snail? Its dang near the size of a golfball...well close anyway....att any rate it is too big for my 60....thanks a lot Garrett...the guy finds like prehistoric size specimens....becareful if you ask him for snails that are "a bit larger".....freaking think should have its own tank...;) ......all in fun Garrett.....you are the man...


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Here we go....come on now...I hear this everyday....not that it isn't deserved because in all honesty it is but I have no idea how much ice cream I have bought in the last 2 weeks and back rubs I have given...but I know it exceeds what I have spent on my tank....


What's the wage your paying yourself to make it more then you spend on your tank...(laugh) Ice cream is pretty cheap and your a spender when it comes to the tank...rofl

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What are you using to target feed? How do you make sure they get it first and not everyone else in the tank?


I use a turkey baster and squirt it toward the zoas. It works better now that I have the vortechs and we put them on feed mode so they are off for a few minutes. I target feed when I feed the fish so the fish are scrambling for the stuff in the water. It's the hermits and cleaner shrimp that try to take the food away.


The turkey baster doesn't work great for my short arms (sad) in fact my right forearm gets so bruised up lol so I have been patiently waiting for one of these. Check out this thread:



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I see 3 new buds as well.


I don't target feed my zoas. They get what they can catch, which is usually something.


Do you turn off your poweheads when you feed Miles? I have noticed now that it easy to do with the new vortechs, the zoas and other corals catch things better.


I target feed primarily because it is fun. I just like to zone out and watch everything.(drooler)

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I've found this in some Sprung notes. Hope this helps:


A general guideline for zoanthids might be that the longer and thinner the tentacles, the greater role feeding plays in their metabolism, and the hobbyist should attempt feeding on a regular basis. However, we should point out that fish feces and stray fish food are usually captured by feeding zoanthids and direct feeding may not be required. A safe rule of thumb would be to feed zoanthids that eagerly accept food. Occasional feedings will benefit them. If they show no interest whatsoever, direct feeding will probably have no benefit.

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Do you turn off your poweheads when you feed Miles? I have noticed now that it easy to do with the new vortechs, the zoas and other corals catch things better.


I target feed primarily because it is fun. I just like to zone out and watch everything.(drooler)


Nah. I usually feed flake food, and i just grind it up small so everything has a chance to get some. I have so much chaotic flow in my tank its ridiculous.


I do turn off the flow in my frag tank when i feed the acans and favias in there. Its fun, but i always get sunburnt on my arm from the MH cuz it takes soooooooooo long to do. Thats what i get for having 15 or so small colonies in there, and i make sure to feed every single polyp using tweezers and mysis.

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I use a turkey baster and squirt it toward the zoas. It works better now that I have the vortechs and we put them on feed mode so they are off for a few minutes. I target feed when I feed the fish so the fish are scrambling for the stuff in the water. It's the hermits and cleaner shrimp that try to take the food away.


The turkey baster doesn't work great for my short arms (sad) in fact my right forearm gets so bruised up lol so I have been patiently waiting for one of these. Check out this thread:




Not to take off topic but didn't you guys contact this dude;




I thought you could not wait any longer......

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Not to take off topic but didn't you guys contact this dude;




I thought you could not wait any longer......


I looked at the thread but couldn't figure out how to order or more like I didn't want to read through all the posts to figure out how to order.DOH!


Do you just contact the guy?


Just give me yours Brad! Please!:D

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Re: 3 weeks and soon to be 3 polyps


Well now I am praying for help...my stupid dinosnail knocked it over and when I flipped it back I accidently scraped directly across the polyp while it was open....hasn't opened all day and I am a bit worried I might of damaged it....any ideas or advice?


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Re: 3 weeks and soon to be 3 polyps


What's the wage your paying yourself to make it more then you spend on your tank...(laugh) Ice cream is pretty cheap and your a spender when it comes to the tank...rofl

What are you talking about? When was the last time I spent any money on my tank? Except yesterday....and last week....and...well...nevermind....I am providing more ammo for your argument than mine



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Well now I am praying for help...my stupid dinosnail knocked it over and when I flipped it back I accidently scraped directly across the polyp while it was open....hasn't opened all day and I am a bit worried I might of damaged it....any ideas or advice?


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Put it back where it was doing well and leave it. Glue it down so it doesn't get knocked off again. It'll come around.

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