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Feather starfish


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When Isaac was at seahorse he had some from time to time. They are very brittle and I've been told they are hard to get a lot of food to. I think if you feed your corals and fish enough that it could catch a fair amount, then maybe target feed you could do it. That being said I still would live to get one in the new tank when it is ready for it. I'm worried how a wrasse would react to it though. It may just be torn to bits in no time...

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I would also suggest not running out and grabbing them unless you have a large tank and a lot of experience. Very difficult to keep alive.


I couldn't agree more - even public aquariums with access to fresh seawater don't keep these things. (case in point ORCA with temperate species). You won't ever find one of these in our systems - they can stay in the ocean with the flame scallops and the ribbon eels.




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One of my friends had a basket star for quite a while. That thing was pretty cool, didnt move much, looked alot like a bunch of twigs in a knot but when ya held it it felt so weird in your hands. Couldnt tell whare the body was and what tenticals were what. He ended up selling it.

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I had one for awhile. They're active at night and super spooky. I kept it in my 150 & target fed it various things (oyster feast, roti feast, cyclopeeze, phyto) 4 times a week.


I used such variety because I couldn't find any reliable information about what they eat. I was told there is dispute about this among biologists. It seemed to respond to my feeding, but it slowly deteriorated, shedding "fronds" over the course of a few months.


I would definitely get another one if someone told me how to keep them long-term. I don't like to buy creatures, even crazy cool ones like this, if I cant hope to give them somewhat of a life.

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Re: Feather starfish


boring how many starfish swim? that thing is a trip.....probably not a good idea for me to get one though.....but i can always watch the video i suppose....what is funny is i think i hear one of my buddies talking in this video....i am almost positive it is him. i too would get one but feeding it would need to be understood first




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