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well i have some bad news. i went to the lfs today, and we tested my water. i have a slight tinge of copper. i thought maybe that the slight tinge was common, so i had my lfs guy test his water in front of me and his was perfectly clear with no signs of copper at all. so now that i have this problem, i have some deciding to do. is there any possible way i can get rid of this problem so i can have inverts and corals. i have read of a fe different ways to remove copper (via carbon), but they don't work 100%. i am sure i know what all you guys and gals are going to say. but i was just making sure that there is no help for me and this LR and subsrate. i just spoke with a and he told me that with such a tiny tiny trace like i had, that some water changes should put me back to normal. he told me that his son has put pennies in his tank and found them months later. and his lr is fine. i don't have a problem with replacing all my lr and substrate. but i honestly don't want to spend 700.00 more dollars on lr and substrate.


i was thinking of removing the live rock, and putting them in a 55 gallon tank with fresh saltwater, heater, and a powerhead and cure the rock. than i was going to remove and trash all my sand (in the main tank and in the sump). then clean my main tank and sump with a vinegar and water solotion. do this a few times over a few days. than set the tank back up and use fresh sand. than add my old live rock. please help. thanks

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yes i was. but i had checked for copper yesterday with my test kit and saw no traces. even today when i went to my lfs and had him check it. the only way to tell that i had any traces was because he also tested his and compared the two. only then you could see a tiny tiny tiny difference. i mean there is onle a trace.

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Supposedly if copper was EVER introduced to the tank' date=' it is useless for corals or inverts.[/quote']


yeah i know. thats why i am so upset. but i have already ordered 400.00 in live rock. its a shame that this happened. i did everything to prevent this or shouls i say i thought i did. i have NEVER treated any fish in the tank. to be honest, i have never treated a fish, peroid. but hey what am i going to do. thanks

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You will never get rid of it complely if it was ever used in the tank, you can use things like the sponge material that will help with it but it will always be there. It binds to anything that it touches. So if you put rock and sand in there guess what its now on them too...



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so your the one i talked to kenny last night i told him sounded like copper but he said the rock was great looking untill you moved the tank so to me sounded like it got contaminated after the fact have you tested your drinking water if your house is old you may have copper pipes and the only way to rid is ro/di or other filtration plus prbly not good to drink and i also told him to have you pull the rock put in bin with water from tank with power head replace water taken out to submerge rock with new saltwater then give a day then try a few snails if they live then you know its your rock.the guy you bought tank from may have treated tank and its in your rock but just gessing

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i bought the tank brand new. but i did buy the LR from a guy that lives between grants pass and medford. that all he does is sell LR. the rock looked awesome when i bought it, than slowly died off. i was going to put the rock in a 55 gallon tank and a heater, powerhead, and some fresh saltwater. than drain the main tank. completly break down my system and clean it extremely good. oh and i am also going to add new substrate. its a shame that this might get me out of the hobby. i truley love reefing. i just spent 3000.00 2 months ago to get started. i am not going to repeat that amount again. people are saying that if there is any copper in my tank, that i could not get it out of my tank, sump, skimmer, all my plumbing etc. basically i would need to toss everything accept my stand, canopy, and lights. whats your thoughts...

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well to be honest, i was looking for a reason to get new sand. i have sugar sized sand now, and i don't like it. so if i am going to remove the rock, i am going to do the sand as well. so you are saying that i can keep all my equipment including my tank and i will be able to do a reef tank as long as i get new rock and sand. again, i have heard people say once copper gets in there, your tank is jumk. but i have also heard that is not true as lone as i address my rock and sand and do a deep cleaning with vinager/water. thanks to all and the local reefboy.

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Let's say you have a quarantine tank and you treat it with copper, fish gets netted back and forth all the time...would the net transfer the copper? Or does it have to be in high doses to be lethal?


What I would do is throw some inverts in there. See if they live...that's what I did to the freshwater tank that was treated with coppersafe. If the snail is still alive for over a month, wouldn't it be safe?

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Let's say you have a quarantine tank and you treat it with copper, fish gets netted back and forth all the time...would the net transfer the copper? Or does it have to be in high doses to be lethal?


What I would do is throw some inverts in there. See if they live...that's what I did to the freshwater tank that was treated with coppersafe. If the snail is still alive for over a month, wouldn't it be safe?


thats the kicker, i have hermit crabs that have been in my tank for months and they are doing great. but snails only last about an hour or so in the main tank, than they close up and will go into some form of shock.

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Like reefboy said, your tank and equipment will be fine to reuse in a reef system. Copper binds only with the carbonate and can be released back into the water column, especially during drops in pH.


Be sure to check your tapwater, R.O. water,whatever your water source is. Even some distilled water can have copper in it if it was distilled with a system having copper pipes. Have your LFS store test it for you, since it showed up on his test kit.


It would be a shame to go through this whole process then find out copper was in your water source!


What brand of salt mix do you use? According to this survey, Omega and Tropic Marin brands have high concentrations of copper.(not necessarily harmful levels) http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2005/12/aafeature1

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