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Village Free School Tank

Guest cataphonic

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Guest cataphonic

thought I'd show off some pictures

before we got help our tank was quite bare





and now that I know how to do it. We'll take more pictures and post them here.

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Guest cataphonic

help :)


funny you should ask,

because we just came up with something we need.


Calvin is helping us set up a small refugium to grow our algae in. But we need a pump to get the water up from our sump.

What we need for the return pump to the refugium is a small pump that can handle 300 to 400 gph.

We already tried Calvin's maxi-jet 1200 which was not big enough.


also we could use some advice around making bases for our coral frags.


I tried mixing up some cement mortar with water and putting it in little cups. But when it dried it was really brittle and fell apart.

I hear you're the one who knows how to do this.

I'd love a lesson that I can share with my students.

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Guest cataphonic

oh and we could use a better way to get our saltwater for our monthly water changes. We'd been getting it from Nick at Rosecity, but it would be great if we could just mix up our own. Better teaching opportunity for us too.

Would it be possible to get some salt donated and some instructions for how to make it easily. What do you do at your school?

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funny you should ask,

because we just came up with something we need.


Calvin is helping us set up a small refugium to grow our algae in. But we need a pump to get the water up from our sump.

What we need for the return pump to the refugium is a small pump that can handle 300 to 400 gph.

We already tried Calvin's maxi-jet 1200 which was not big enough.


Cat, ask around here on the forums, it sounds like you might need something like a mag 3, so, ask around and I'm sure someone on here has one they wouldn't mind donating.

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I use a new plastic trash can and put in a heater and powerhead. I then let it sit overnite. We are trying for a group salt buy. That is one glich in the program. It would probably be cheaper to make your own salt water. You will need to also get a hydrometer. Kids love using it. Wish I had some of this to give you. Will let you know if we do get a big salt buy. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. If you pm me I will see it sooner. Thanks, Roger

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I would suggest investing in a ro/di unit also. They are around $100 on ebay


Bob, do you know if it's possible to do a group buy on RO/DI units? If it is, might it be something the club could look into? I'd invest in one, but, they're a lil bit too rich for my blood, and I only need one that I can hook to my bathroom faucet.


But, back to my original point, if it is possible, maybe the club could organize one, so we can drop the price down to where it's affordable for the TFT teachers to purchase.


Just a thought.



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But with inflation, your 50 cents is in reality worth negative $99.99


Hey, it was just an option :P one we could run side by side with the RO units LOL


on a side not, not to hijack, anyone know where you can get a cheap, effective, RO/DI unit that can I hook up and disconnect at leisure?

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Guest cataphonic

we have a hygrometer, and the kids do love it. It's a bit off, but we know how much so it's alright for now.

Nick at RoseCity has offered us free DI water for the time being. So it's really just a matter of getting salt.

Where on the forum would be the best place to ask for things like a pump?

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Guest cataphonic

more photos


Thanks to everyone who's donated time, animals and equipment to us. Here are some pictures of our tank with new creatures.4312907412_189197d99a.jpg4312181875_7df458c12b_m.jpg4312907994_f448615677_m.jpg4312786134_9f509109d2_m.jpg4312170811_03815c47ae_m.jpg

We also started a wall of pictures of fish and descriptions so other folks who walk by can understand the tank better. Here are some of the drawings.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Cat, on the hydrometer/refractometer front, check around, im sure some people have extras laying around they'll either donate or sell cheap, if i had a spare you could have it, the refrac is a lot more accurate than the hydro is :P


take that roger LOL



I would be happy to send you the hydrometer you guys are needing. (clap)

Just PM me with where you want it sent, it will be on its way. Any little thing to help the kids out!!!!



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Bob, do you know if it's possible to do a group buy on RO/DI units? If it is, might it be something the club could look into? I'd invest in one, but, they're a lil bit too rich for my blood, and I only need one that I can hook to my bathroom faucet.


But, back to my original point, if it is possible, maybe the club could organize one, so we can drop the price down to where it's affordable for the TFT teachers to purchase.


Just a thought.




One of our Sponsors, Air, Water, & Ice, offers us a discount. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9308

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cataphonic

The kids really enjoyed going down to Albany Middle School and seeing the setup there. They also loved the making of food, one of them really wanted to eat it herself.


Thanks to all the folks who gave advice and suggestions at the meet up!


But then we came into school on Mon and saw that our 2 true perks are missing. :( so sad. We have no idea what happened, they had been happily living in our tank for over a month.

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Guest cataphonic

Nope, can't find the perks alive or dead. Must have died and been eaten by the hermit crabs or something. I wonder if we hadn't been feeding the fish enough.

All our algae got eaten up and perhaps then the crabs and tang got more hungry.


We were feeding the fish every day or two a big pinch of dried food or a block of frozen brine shirmp. Maybe that was not enough for 6 fish. Hmm?


Other than that we checked our water and our nitrates are a bit high (20) so we're due for a water change. Still trying to connect with Bob Lohman to get our salt.

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Guest cataphonic

Well, we found one perk today. Apparently it had jumped out of the tank as it was on the floor behind it.

We had another pair of perks donated to us today and the Clarki was chasing it all around the tank. I think we found our problem.

So I fed them extra and turned off the light. Hopefully they're still there in the morning.

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