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what's happening in school

Mr S

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It is now the time of year that my 6th graders start getting intense about the inhabitants of the school tanks. We start of with Porifers (sponges) luckily I have a few that we can chop up and look at under the microscope. Don't tell PEDA. Next we go to Cnidarians (corals and such). I have a pretty good variety. If viewers have any cool pictures of either of the mentioned I can use them in my PowerPoint presentation to show how varied these phylums are. I plan on going all the way from sponges to arthropods. I can't do fish and such because that happens in the 7th grade!!! (like I don't talk about them!!!) I also have a tank of seahorses which I use as great examples of adaptation to a specific environment. My 8th graders finished powerpoints of tank inhabitants in the fall. They were awesome and the kids still want to do other ones. If I ever get a camera or someone visits me I can post some pics. My tanks are definitely a community effort. I think just about everyone in Albany, Corvallis, Salem and parts of Portland have contributed to it in either labor, advice, stuff or all of the mentioned. Thanks to all of you.

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i have a nice dvd on the importance of eating sustainable species and the impact on the ocean of overfishing, we watched it at work, it may be something good for your school. remind me if i forget to bring it to you tomorrow and i will drop it in the mail

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That is awesome you do that Mr S. I wish there was someone at the district I work at that did this because I would love to donate some knowledge, time and livestock to help the kiddies learn. Kudos to you. Whoops no more Kudos.

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Guest Ahbrit

There is Kudos

it's now called reputation

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There is Kudos

it's now called reputation

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Nobody likes me, everybody hates me... I guess I'll go eat some worms! (drooler)


Just kidding!


Hey, Fluffy! Let Jay and I know if you want something out of our tanks for the school! BTW, you're lucky Ryan had another tort frag... yours was just about to mysteriously disappear out of his tank! plotting



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