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Rough summer


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Hey all,


I just noticed I have been incognito since the end of July! Unfortunately, that is because it turned out to be a pretty bad summer for my tank and I still haven't really recovered from it. Somehow, the combination of non-functional chiller, misbehaving ATO and overgrowth of pest anemone (not majano or aptasia) pretty much took out all my SPS over the course of a couple months. I lost my caps, digi, milli, torts, etc., etc. It really hurt as all of these were doing and looking great until multiple factors conspired to bring it all down.


Just to top it off, my wife had surgery (she is OK) which wasn't covered by insurance so I have had neither the time nor $$$ to try and put things back together. The only good news is that my fish have been pretty happy and healthy (go figure).


Anway... just wanted to drop a note on here to say "hi" and let all the folks who have helped me out over the last couple of years that I hope to be back again once I get things sorted out.


Hope you all had more successful summers! :D

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Hey all,


I just noticed I have been incognito since the end of July! Unfortunately, that is because it turned out to be a pretty bad summer for my tank and I still haven't really recovered from it. Somehow, the combination of non-functional chiller, misbehaving ATO and overgrowth of pest anemone (not majano or aptasia) pretty much took out all my SPS over the course of a couple months. I lost my caps, digi, milli, torts, etc., etc. It really hurt as all of these were doing and looking great until multiple factors conspired to bring it all down.


Just to top it off, my wife had surgery (she is OK) which wasn't covered by insurance so I have had neither the time nor $$$ to try and put things back together. The only good news is that my fish have been pretty happy and healthy (go figure).


Anway... just wanted to drop a note on here to say "hi" and let all the folks who have helped me out over the last couple of years that I hope to be back again once I get things sorted out.


Hope you all had more successful summers! :D





Good to see you back on. I am sure you will have your tank turned around in no time. Glad the wife is OK. Let me know if you want to drop by and check out the new system sometime or if you need anything.

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Thanks guys,


The sad thing is, I had spent a lot of effort trying to get the tank optimized in the spring and things were really going well - then it all came crashing down at a time when I couldn't really deal with it. I had added the controller system and got that dialed in, plumbed in the chiller, bought backup fans for the hood, got the CA reactor dialed in (oh yeah, that also failed on me along with the other stuff) and was feeling really good about things... therein was my error!!!

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Hey Sean

That really sucks, My summer wasnt much better, I took down all my large colonies but I still have most and would be happy to set up some starts for you when you are ready, just let me know


Hey Steve - sorry you had a rough one as well. I remember you fighting the "white band" disease issue just before I went belly up. Sorry to hear you lost those colonies, they were awesome. I think at least some of my coral showed the same pathology as yours - did you ever ID a culprit? Unfortunately, I didn't have another system setup to try and save them. I will give you a shout once I think things are stable again (might be a while).



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I have noticed that with reef keeping its a big learning game. Just when you think you know lots something happens. I have had my ups and downs with the poisening of my tank from painting to overflowing it with fresh water when I fell asleep while dripping ro into my sump straight from the ro unit ( NEVER EVER EVER do it ). Its been a while since my last horrific failure. I feel ya pain man. If you want some charity orange cap frags stop by. I have a sunset milli frag Im sure could be cut as well.


Stay off yur chin


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