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Dimmers for T5 lighting?


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But, on a side note, if you wanted the intensity to increase you could shade the light or move it up high and drop down, or some other pneumatic way... maybe even have the lights be moving over the tank. But all of these options require room and the means to create the controls and movement, not really worth it to me. After a week it seems to me the fish get used to the instant on and off cycles.

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but i wouldnt worry about it too much since if the fish are tank raised species they have known nothing else but instantlight-darkness. and besides....we arent talking about anything close to the intensity of the sun here...

but i think this is why alot of people have thier actinics come on one hour before main lights and stay on one hour after the mains go out and then the lunars come on. Kinda gives a more gentle easing into and out of the lighting cycle.

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since you bring that up you might check this out




If the goal is to lessen the stress on the fish, why not just turn the lights on later? I don't have my actinics come on until about noon, that way the room has lit up a little bit, to wake the fish up. Then the last set of lights go off about 11, when the fish are already tucked away in bed (i still have no clue where that tang goes half the time).

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