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Dragon Goby???


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I got this fish about 2 weeks ago, was told it was a dragon goby and it would be a sand sifting goby... which is why I bought it....


But i have not seen it sift the sand once yet! Wont eat frozen foods... just pecks at the rocks and glass... sometimes eats the nori I hang for the tangs.


Any ideas???

Thanks! Beth








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Yep a LMB, not a dragon goby. Id be more curious who sold it to you as a goby.(scratch)


Dragon goby, Great sand sifter!



Or try a Diamond goby. But beware they are jumpers. I got a small one and hes in a 180 so far hes been good.



(laugh)Eric has a giant carpet surfer just like this one... He looks like a dinosaur!!!

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For the record, here is another fish commonly referred to as a "Dragon Goby" I got him years ago as a rescue fish. The person who owned him was told to add 1 teaspoon of salt a day, which she did for about a month. When I recieved him I checked the salinity of his water and it sent the hydrometer off the chart. I plunked him into a 55gallon freshwater that I had at the time and he didn't even seem to notice. He later died during a move...and yes, was a great sand sifter...he was a little over 1 foot long.





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