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How you know you are a reefer addict


#1: You know your addicted to reefing when you check the PNWMAS forum on your cell phone.

#2: You know your addicted to reefing when you watch Youtube videos to learn how to make a saltwater logo!!!

# 3 You know your addicted to reefing when you cry when a fish or coral passes on.

# 4 You know your an addict when you make late night meets, like around midnight, so you can sneak the corals into your tank before your wife wakes up.

# 5 How you know you are a reefer addict for each month of reefing you have had a new tank.

#6 You know you are addicted to reefing when you find yourself chopping salt into straight lines.


I am offering a "RA" meeting for those you need help

or if you need your fix call me. 503-810-3181


Steps to getting over your reefing addiction


#1: Admitting you have a problem with reefing is the first step to becoming clean.

#2: Telling your wife how much you REALLY spent.

#3: Actually realizing there is a life outside PNWMAS.

#4: Taking dj_gianotti off of speed-dial

#5: Not trying to hide all the new corals you just came home with

#6: See #2

#7: Quit telling yourself "I'm in the neighborhood anyway, I may as well stop and see if he's got any cool new corals"

#8: See #6



People that have enrolled in the "RA" program.











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sell it!




jk. It looks nice from my little cell phone picture :)



So could we say that your a reefer addict?


#1: You know your addicted to reefing when you check the PNWMAS forum on your cell phone.



I am offering a "RA" meeting for those you need help

or if you need your fix call me. 503-810-3181

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And you said you weren't good at photoshop....(laugh)


#1: You know your addicted to reefing when you check the PNWMAS forum on your cell phone.

#2: You know your addicted to reefing when you watch Youtube videos to learn how to make a saltwater logo!!!


I am offering a "RA" meeting for those you need help

or if you need your fix call me. 503-810-3181

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Hi, my name is clay and I am an addict!! This isn't my first rodeo, meeting or addiction!! I have been clean for almost 5 years though!! LOL!! Really clean...not like reefing clean!!! HA!! Nope I am totally immersed in my addiction!!




#1: You know your addicted to reefing when you check the PNWMAS forum on your cell phone.

#2: You know your addicted to reefing when you watch Youtube videos to learn how to make a saltwater logo!!!


I am offering a "RA" meeting for those you need help

or if you need your fix call me. 503-810-3181


Steps to getting over your reefing addiction


#1: Admitting you have a problem with reefing is the first step to becoming clean.

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#1: You know your addicted to reefing when you check the PNWMAS forum on your cell phone.

#2: You know your addicted to reefing when you watch Youtube videos to learn how to make a saltwater logo!!!


I am offering a "RA" meeting for those you need help

or if you need your fix call me. 503-810-3181


Steps to getting over your reefing addiction


#1: Admitting you have a problem with reefing is the first step to becoming clean.


#2: Telling your wife how much you REALLY spent.

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#2: Telling your wife how much you REALLY spent.


#3: Actually realizing there is a life outside PNWMAS.

#4: Taking dj_giannti off of speed-dial (whistle)

#5: Not trying to hide all the new corals you just came home with (wife)

#6: See #2 (wife)(wife)

#7: Quit telling yourself "I'm in the neighborhood anyway, I may as well stop and see if he's got any cool new corals"

#8: See #6 (wife)(wife)(wife)

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How you know you are a reefer addict


#1: You know your addicted to reefing when you check the PNWMAS forum on your cell phone.

#2: You know your addicted to reefing when you watch Youtube videos to learn how to make a saltwater logo!!!

# 3 You know your addicted to reefing when you cry when a fish or coral passes on.


I am offering a "RA" meeting for those you need help

or if you need your fix call me. 503-810-3181


Steps to getting over your reefing addiction


#1: Admitting you have a problem with reefing is the first step to becoming clean.

#2: Telling your wife how much you REALLY spent.

#3: Actually realizing there is a life outside PNWMAS.

#4: Taking dj_gianotti off of speed-dial

#5: Not trying to hide all the new corals you just came home with

#6: See #2

#7: Quit telling yourself "I'm in the neighborhood anyway, I may as well stop and see if he's got any cool new corals"

#8: See #6



People that have enrolled in the "RA" program.




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I'm not addicted! I can quit at any time...


I just was up for one last house check before I hit the hay, and then the computer started muttering things at me... So naturally I had to come closer to hear it better.


It was saying coral names, and color combos,

and telling me I could be missing FS threads,

and telling me that Eric is already skimming through them,

and he could be getting that perfect coral that I have been waiting for,

and the Oceans Motions I need could be posted up any minute

and I need to be there WHEN IT IS SO I DON'T MISS IT




I really have to go to bed, goodnight...DOH!

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How you know you are a reefer addict


#1: You know your addicted to reefing when you check the PNWMAS forum on your cell phone. Been there, done that

#2: You know your addicted to reefing when you watch Youtube videos to learn how to make a saltwater logo!!! I don't watch YouTube (It's usually a waste of bandwidth where a picture would be just as good) so I have not done this

# 3 You know your addicted to reefing when you cry when a fish or coral passes on.Sad yes, cry no.


#1: Admitting you have a problem with reefing is the first step to becoming clean. I admit to the problem but have no desire to get clean

#2: Telling your wife how much you REALLY spent. I'm usually pretty straight on this. After 25 years (almost anyway) I've found that you can't hide it for long.

#3: Actually realizing there is a life outside PNWMAS.Huh, Whatever

#4: Taking dj_gianotti off of speed-dial Definately not speed dial however I did add it to may address book to make it easier to use the GPS to get to the front door

#5: Not trying to hide all the new corals you just came home withNever done this one

#6: See #2

#7: Quit telling yourself "I'm in the neighborhood anyway, I may as well stop and see if he's got any cool new corals" Guilty as charged. Done this one numerous times.

#8: See #6


Okay, I am an addict. I know this. I have no desire whatsoever though to get clean.

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