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freak storm


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Oh, the weber would have been toast if it were a bit closer, but....look to the left of the branch - that is the traeger. If it took the Traeger out THAT would have been a disaster! The gas grill is to the right of the weber...it should have taken THAT out :)

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Whoa... close call Mark! Glad to see the grills survived even if the deck got hit. It was pretty windy at work but so far I haven't seen any damage at home. Of course, I am afraid to actually look in the back yard :eek: We did have some power bumps so Darcy turned off the halides so they wouldn't constantly be trying to re-fire. Good to have a knowledgable spouse looking out for the tank :D

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My work lost power so I got to go home early, but unfortunately, I have to go in for a little bit on my day off tomorrow. I've honestly never seen weather like this before. I thought we were going to get hit by a tornado or something.

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I remember the last big storm like this that happened like 2 years ago. My tanks all crashed because we were without power for 4 days. Thankfully they were just FW so the cost wasn't too heavy. But my best friend's truck ended up with a HUGE tree right in the middle of the roof. Totalled the car, but left the house unscathed!

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A lightning bolt hit my apartment! It was the craziest thing! Sounded like my 45 went off. Scared the crap out of me and popped every circuit in the panel! luckily no damage to anything in the apartment and all the electronics were unplugged(I was prepared). Did suck though because my neighbors satellite dish was pretty nasty looking ;0



I have never had lightning hit anywhere near me so that was pretty bizzare. Not to mention that it looked like it was 10pm when it was just past 4pm. Kinda creapy stuff.





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