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Bulkhead Screens?


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Wondering if anyone can give me a source for low profile bulkhead screens?


the kind that screw into the bulkhead and lay flat - not the ones that extend out into the tank, like Savko sells.


I need them for a two inch bulkhead.



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Yah, I found those - that site has a ton of stuff, but shipping is ridiculous. Really, though, the fact that the 2inch bulkhead screen is 6 inches in diameter killed it for me. That is just too huge.


thanks though : )

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I figured I would get reduced flow a bit. I have two 2 inch bulkheads feeding a Reeflo Blackfin 6100 (6000 GPH). It has a 2 inch intake, so I figured 2 2inch bulkheads would be fine, screen or not.


The guy at waves, not Joel, but I think Brandon is his name (hope I got that right). Anyways, he was very helpful, as always, and showed me a better way to do it if I have dual intakes. I probably won't lose flow this way and can use plumbing parts. Basically use two elbows, connected with a section of gutter guard to create an intake area for both holes.


gonna see if I can make that work, but will have to get two more 2 inch 90 elbows from Harrington

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yes, that is exactly what they were. And, yes, it was Jordan. I knew I would get it wrong. Funny, I work with a guy named Jordan, so I'd have thought I would remember that name. Jordan - if you happen to read this, sorry for getting your name wrong ;)


Heres the problem now. I already have my holes drilled, and once I install the elbows, there is only about two inches of room between them for the mesh. I don't think this will be a problem, but lets test my nerd skills.(laugh)


So, where the area of a circle is Pi*r^2 and the circumference is Pi*D, where r = radius and D=diameter.


If I have two intake screens that are, for sake of argument, the size of the diameter of the two inch intake, I have 6.28 total intake square inches, as each intake is 3.14 square inches. (3.14 * 1^2)


If I do the mesh between the two, even for only two inches, I have a total intake area that is equal to 3.14*D or 2, for 6.28 square inches of intake area per linear inch of mesh. So, if I have two linear inches of mesh, that gives me 12.56 total intake square inches. Roughly double the intake size.


Did I get all that right? Too nerdy? I know, its this problem I have. :D

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yes, that is exactly what they were. And, yes, it was Jordan. I knew I would get it wrong. Funny, I work with a guy named Jordan, so I'd have thought I would remember that name. Jordan - if you happen to read this, sorry for getting your name wrong ;)


Heres the problem now. I already have my holes drilled, and once I install the elbows, there is only about two inches of room between them for the mesh. I don't think this will be a problem, but lets test my nerd skills.(laugh)


So, where the area of a circle is Pi*r^2 and the circumference is Pi*D, where r = radius and D=diameter.


If I have two intake screens that are, for sake of argument, the size of the diameter of the two inch intake, I have 6.28 total intake square inches, as each intake is 3.14 square inches. (3.14 * 1^2)


If I do the mesh between the two, even for only two inches, I have a total intake area that is equal to 3.14*D or 2, for 6.28 square inches of intake area per linear inch of mesh. So, if I have two linear inches of mesh, that gives me 12.56 total intake square inches. Roughly double the intake size.


Did I get all that right? Too nerdy? I know, its this problem I have. :D


Well, your math looks right, but I'm not sure what it tells you? (laugh) I think you'll have to just test it out and see if that is enough overflow area to keep up with your pump. May want to install a valve to allow you to control your pump output just in case.

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ohh, should have mentioned this is on my CL. My major concern is to ensure that my pump never has to work for its water, even if some critter or other object blocks some of the intake. Thanks for the idea on the pool/spa store.

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