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Found this little bugger on my wall last night


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Anyone know what kind of frog this is?


I am temtped to say suicidal being that he jumped off the wall, which is 2 stories up, went through the leaves in the tree next to my apt and landed on the grass. I thought he was a goner, till he simply jumped away.

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looks like what others have said - pacific green tree frog. We have them here and from what I understand they are a protected species. I was mowing with the tractor last week and one just escaped out from under the mowing deck! Although small, they have a very VERY loud croak!

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I have a 200 gal propane tank that I use to heat my swimming pool & I have 2 of these that seem to have taken up residence under the lid that goes over the regulator. I lifted the lid shooed them away & every time I lift the lid there they are.I've given up,they can go ahead & live there, fine by me.

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Tree Frog. As mentioned they make a loud croak. We had one living in the crack between the concrete porch and the foundation for several months. We spend quite a bit of time out there and while we heard it regularly I only saw it once. I don't know if it is a Pacific Northwest species or not though as we use to see a very similar one down in NC on the sides of the house all the time.

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They come in all different colors too even though they are called green tree frogs. It takes me 3 hours to mow my lawn because I have to stop every 15 feet to save another one. I have a protected wetland park right out my backyard so I hear and see them all the time. When it rains they are impossible to miss on the road and my glass door out back is usually covered too...

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I would love to have them. I have a large lawn and back up to natural springs. I have only seen 1 in 20 yrs. Never hear them, I would love to sit on patio on warm summer nights listening to them. Call your self lucky



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I would love to have them. I have a large lawn and back up to natural springs. I have only seen 1 in 20 yrs. Never hear them, I would love to sit on patio on warm summer nights listening to them. Call your self lucky




oh no, I like them, just a little irritating when I'm mowing the lawn because it takes so long to do. I'm just not cold hearted enough to run them over...

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