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If you have japanese deepwater zoas, blue hornets/african blues


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I was making reference to your quote Dennis where you were talking about the teeny tiny zoas from the Solomans being finicky. No, I was not refrencing the HS as being a DW or Japanese zoa and do not think people would sell them as such. They are quite different.

I was talking to somebody a while back and they made the comment about how tiny the deep water zoa polyps were. I have a small colony from OIAB and they are not small. They are a nice size and pretty fat. I wonder if there are two different kinds of "deep water" zoanthids out and about. I know the zoas from the Solaman islands are teeny tiny things and they are very finicky.



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I bought some "African Blues" from Dsoz and they are doing fine. I have them under low light per Dennis's recommendations. I also bought three colonies of Japanese Deep Water Zoas(not from oiab) about a month ago and I only have one colony left. First colony melted in the first couple days and the second colony melted just last week. The third colony that is still alive looks great.


Edit to my previous post -Zoas I got from Dennis are no longer doing well and my last colony of DW Zoas also appear to be melting. This all happened within the last couple days and it's really discouraging! (scratch)

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He told me the story. He got some other deep water zoas that starting melting away (not from OIAB), which started a chain reaction and a lot of his zoa colonies are also melting. Including the blue ones that I gave him.



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