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In need of a small rental house.


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For some time now, my wife and I have been searching for a rental house. Constance has a few medical conditions, and we need to stay within Washington County, as her doctors are all located here. We both receive Social Security disability and section-8 voucher. We are temporarily in an apartment that is just over 700 sq. ft., and there is not even enough room for her to use her walker indoors due to the limited space. She now has failing eyesight, and has fallen three times in the last week. I feel it is now time to find a house.

I have been looking for a 1 bdrm. house maybe 900 sq.ft. or so. We are allowed $714 for rent including utilities, so around the $600 range.

Renting a 2 bdrm. house may be possible, and there is a good chance something can be worked out with an increased rental allowance. We are both retired, and are at home most of the time.


I have been searching Craigslist, the Oregonian Classifieds, online rental websites, and Real Estate and Property Management companies without much luck. Also driving mile after mile, seeing mostly For Sale signs. Buying a house is not an option for us, as far as I know. We are just looking for a quiet place somewhere without people continuously up in our face or keeping us up at night. We are willing to move out as far as the North Plains area if necessary, as long as it is within Washington County. Townhouses are available, but will not work for Constance because of the stairs. A rural setting would be ideal. I have letters of reference from past houses in Portland and Beaverton we have rented, regarding the repairs and improvements I made during our occupancy. We had to move from our Beaverton home because of the MAX lightrail going in. The house has since been torn down.


We do not want another apartment. The place where we are now staying is unsafe for my wife, and we would like to move out of here as soon as possible. We have all good references, good credit, and we are debt free. No pets except for aquariums. We have Renter's Insurance. A background check is no problem. Our income, while limited, is steady and dependable. We also do not want to move again after we find a place.


If you are able to help us with any information, please send me a PM. Thanks.


John Manrow

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Im sorry to hear that John. Is Constance okay after the falls?? Tell her to keep her chin up! Good luck John.


She had laser surgery on her knee a few months ago to remove a blood clot, and her leg is still weak. She keeps hurting her leg when she falls. She rests in bed quite a bit now. I'm sure a place will show up.


I will tell her. Thanks Ryan.

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Good luck on the search John. If you lived closer we could definately help each other out. I'm in the process of buying my first investment property and could use a good renter.


If you have the means, right now is the perfect time to buy. 1st time home buyers get an $8000 refund. On top of that, prices are rock bottom and buyers have all the power.


Again good luck tell Constance hi for me!

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Good luck on the search John. If you lived closer we could definately help each other out. I'm in the process of buying my first investment property and could use a good renter.


If you have the means, right now is the perfect time to buy. 1st time home buyers get an $8000 refund. On top of that, prices are rock bottom and buyers have all the power.


Again good luck tell Constance hi for me!


Best of luck with your investment property and finding a good renter Miles. It would be too much right now for us to transfer all her medical to another area, although I really like some of the properties down there, especially near the river.


There seem to be houses up for sale everywhere, but very few for rent. Because of Social Security and keeping the medical coverage that goes with it, we are limited to having a certain amount of funds in savings. It is the just the system we are dealing with. I don't see how buying a home would be an option for us because of this.


Thanks. Constance appreciates the concern.


Anyone in the club investing in property, and has rental properties in Washington County, if you would let me know it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi John,


I will make sure to keep you in mind in case I hear of anything... not my area directly but sometimes things pop up unexpectedly. Good luck in the search and pass along my best wishes to Constance. I hope she recovers quickly.




Thanks Sean, and I am reading these posts to her now. :)

She is resting as much as possible, so she can try to make the June 6th meeting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am about ready to give up finding a small house at this point. I am looking for disabled access apartments now. Most of the places that accept section-8 vouchers are dumps.

I am about ready to take anything that is larger than the 650 sq. ft. crackerbox of an apartment that we are stuck in right now. It needs to be a ground level with no one living above us keeping us awake half the night.

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