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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. The regular glass on the left low iron on the right
  2. Put my name down, I'm always happy to help out! I have a HAAS upright mill and a CNC Router, I can make just about anything.
  3. I have a CNC If someone really wants teeth.
  4. Sadly I think you can only custom make one. I can make one or @pdxmonkeyboy can if he has time possibly. Let me know!
  5. it's just like a normal overflow but instead of having teeth, the water flows around, it has a beveled polished edge the water flows over. its less mantaince because you don't have to clean the grates and nothing can cover it and make your tank overflow.
  6. Is it the mini? I don't need the full size one. Thanks!
  7. I was going to buy one but I thought id check here first! Let me know Thanks,
  8. Okay, here is my build, It's a 3.7 gallon custom built drop-off reef. Equipment: 1) Custom tank and Birch stand- I had the clear acrylic and I had to buy the black- $15.75 and I had the Birch. 2) Marine-land maxi-jet 1200 - $27.99 3) Aqueon 7.5watt heater - $10.99 4) Evergrow led light - Borrowed from friend. Filtration: 1) Bag of chemi-pure blue - Had on hand Grand Total $54.73 Here is a video of it when I was testing with fresh water. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. From what ive heard the tank is part of the equipment cost Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Okay I'll just post here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Do we post our tank here on this thread? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Could you do under 10 gallons total so we could have a small sump for filtration heater ect?
  13. yea, I was thinking a 5 gallon with a 1000 gallon basment trough sump
  14. And is it total system water volume or just the tank water volume?
  15. Ill do it, But does the Equipment have to be store bought?
  16. I have noticed the long turn around time, and it must be shipping and the sheer amount of tests. Because from my knowledge the test only takes about 5-9 minutes.
  17. Again this would be a used machine fairly old I fact. But just because it’s older doesn’t mean it’s not still accurate for what I would be needing it for Some of the newer used ones are 45k-90k
  18. Haha you’ll be correct for a used machine with cooling and a auto sampler I’d be looking in the 7200-15000 dollar range!
  19. That's great to hear! I am working to keep prices low in the 20-30$ range I am In the process of learning accurate testing methods, otherwise, there would be no point in offering it lol. Will keep this idea updated!
  20. I've been thinking of buying a used ICP-OES testing machine for testing Aquarium water. Thinking of longer-term being able to test water samples local. Let me know what you all think. PS, If your wondering ICP-OES stands for Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy and it Heats a test solution with plasma ripping apart the molecules creating light that a sensor reads. the benefit of ICP testing is from one sample I can test up to 50 different elements. (This is a very basic explanation of how an ICP-OES machine works the full explanation is much more complicated.)
  21. The motor shaft slips on the rollers I would prefer a dosing pump where the rollers are physically attached to the like the libra. But I cant afford it. I have recently started putting rubbing alcohol on the dosing head to keep salt creep and moisture to a minimum which so far has been working. The other problem I've had is one of the units just completely stopped working altogether. I'm thinking about modifying the head so it will be more accurate and robust. If it works ill create a thread about it.
  22. How do you like the Jebao doser? I'm on my third one in a month.
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