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Posts posted by WingRider62



    Having moved 17 times, I think you should repair it now.  You will have all sorts of issues to take care of in your new place, not counting the packing and prep.  Do yourself a favor and do it now.

    The problem is, I cant get the sump out with the center brace in the way. Also, we may be upgrading to larger tank while moving, so then I could just fix it without stressing about it.

  2. Yes its a 75g, we a 2 clowns, 1 cleaner wrasse, 1 Bellas Angel, 1 Starry Blenny, 1 Diamond Goby, a few LPS corals and few softies, and 75 lbs live rock. Almost forgot, we have medium size RBTAs and a small Carpet nem.

  3. So, we are moving in 2 weeks. This morning I discovered a leak in the acrylic sump at one of the seams. I shut down the return pump and drained the sump. Because of the center support in the stand, I cant easily remove the sump to repair or replace it. Ive moved the heater and temp probe to the display tank for now, but have no way to run the skimmer. My question is, would you run it this way for the next 2 weeks and replace the sump during the move? Or....use a temporary center brace on the stand, remove the original brace and deal the with sump now? Thanks in advance.

  4. We are moving in a couple of weeks and have been considering taking advantage of the move to upgrade a little. The space we have selected for the tank in the new house would fit a 48" setup just fine, and since we already have new 48"t5s and a decent sump from the 75g, it only stands to reason to reuse as much as possible. So if anyone has a 48" 120g tank/stand, let us know. ! Thanks.

  5. Hi everybody, We are moving out of our RV and into a house in Keizer on the 19th of Dec (Saturday). I could the help of 1 person on moving day. We are going to leave most everything in the RV which we can park beside the new house. But, I will need help moving the 75g from the RV into the house. I also was hoping someone in the Salem area has a fairly large tub to put the liverock and corals in during the transition. I am planning on moving the corals, fish, and rock to the new house on the night of the 18th (Friday), and then drain the tank on Saturday and just set the tank on the floor of RV and transport it to the new place. I dont have much for frags as of yet, but I will have some cold beer in the fridge. Thanks in advance.

  6. I would entertain partial trade of a decent 48" T5 lighting fixture and bulbs. Im not really impressed with the performance of the AI Prime lights on my 75g, so would like to experiment with some T5s. Hit me up today if possible. Thanks

  7. i know.... for how new this setup is.. and it's complete... i already have one next to my 12g JBJ.... maybe i need another to balance it out!! :)

    Ya know Softy, I would be interested in partial trade for a Chalice frag or two.


    If I had the space and time, I would be all over this. Thought about even making it an anemone tank! :) Buy it Softy! He's practically giving this away!

    Kim, you know you want/need it. I will even give you a RBTA to get you started. Im open to partial trades.
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