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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Here i have this sump just sitting, i dont need it, comes with skimmer and pump, no return pump. asking 40 obo, message me or post best price, measures 20x8x16T Thanks Michael
  2. still for sale, Jerry hasn't responded in a few days, really want this gone. 200 OBO
  3. over flow just on the left corner, two holes up top, one hole bottom. standard 5 foot in length i have one person who seems serious, if not i will go next in line! Thanks guys
  4. that will suck, but its not that bad of a fix, im going to try to patch it with another piece of thick glass or acrylic, i have a canopy so it doesnt have to look pretty.
  5. Hello, the top of my tank was being held together by a piece of glass, to stop it from bowing out, just like the plastic piece you most commonly find on a 55g long. mine cracked a couple days ago and used a double mixing compound adhesive to repair it, i used a strap to hold it together and it worked! for two days or so.. the crack is back again, and currently being held together by the trap again, heres a picture. QUESTION IS: what is the best glue for a repair like this? gorilla glue? another type of compound? anyone had any issues like this again and any success? its a 70 gallon tall. same dimensions as a 55gallon, but much taller. this is a freshwater setup btw.
  6. thats gonna be a small sump.... i have one but how much room you talkin about?? i have a wet dry sump with skimmer built into it. no return pump though
  7. angled corner glass over flow, drilled with bulk heads
  8. i also have a 120 gallon for sale. with corner overflow, custom by someone...looks different but works awesome. 60 bucks and its yours. want the space in my garage back haha. i can send pics
  9. have you checked out my 150? no overflow, but can easily be drilled...if your brave enough!
  10. its a 150 square, not long tank. pending pick up from Jerry13Garcia hopefully soon...
  11. make sure the lid is secure....so your eel doesn't jump out
  12. drained 4 days ago as of today, holds water, no leaks...
  13. Hey guys, me and my buddy are trying to get rid of this 150 gallon square tank and stand. comes with glass tops, stand, red sea canister filter that was used for fresh water, and freshwater sand. can easily be converted to saltwater with extra things. asking 250 OBO for setup. filter is pretty nice for what it is, but again it was used for freshwater, some poeple like canister filters on saltwater.... but i think their plenty of storage room in the bottom for a real nice sump! message me with a ny questions here, or call or text me at 707-332-9152 Thanks for looking. (i have missing trim, just havent put it on the tank. this is want it out of my garage price, want the space back)
  14. bout the same size as mine......i think we may be on to something here!!!! ill message you
  15. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! maybe a ...Coral Banded Shrimp???? might help this... good luck!
  16. size of angel? i have the tangs in my tank, so hopefully its similar size...maybe they can be housed together?
  17. thos are super awesome looking, for a school of them.... thats a pretty penny!!
  18. sorry so late guys, like i said, no more rock, or live sand. just the tank with light, skimmer, heater, and stand
  20. the "pijama" cardinals... whats a good number to you? 6? 7? whats not enough, and whats too much...in your experience
  21. recently took all my coral out of my 100 gallon, and am thinking of doing fish only with this one... currently have one small blue hippo powder blue tang, fox face yellow one snowflake clown 6 line wrasse 2 fire goby's one damsel need more fish, any suggestions?? i want it to look more alive, thanks guys/gals
  22. sorry guys, i wasnt getting notified, ill check up on this more often
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